101 in 1001

Jan 20, 2009 19:53

lacrimaeveneris and I have decided to do our 101 in 1001 together, for moral support and so that she can kick me when I forget to do them.

I'm posting them without a cut so that everyone can see them, and maybe help hold me accountable. (:

Uh, also, I love musicals.

“Money money money
Must be funny
In the rich man’s world.”

1. Pay off my credit cards
2. Make $100 from grading essays every month
3. Get savings account up to $5000
4. Get a credit report
5. Don’t use credit card for 6 months

“I believe in you.”

6. Identify 100 things that make me happy
7. Send a secret to PostSecret
8. Complete the 365 Day Challenge
9. Complete ¼ of the goals on learningtoloveyoumore
10. Have a night to myself once a month
11. Go to a spa
12. Take some silly, glamorous photos
13. Buy a sexy pair of underwear once a month
14. Identify 100 things I fear

“But there is life outside your apartment
And you’re only gonna see it if you leave.”

15. Visit 7 new states
16. Visit 7 Los Angeles-area museums
17. Visit Greece
18. Stay in a 4 star hotel
19. Return to London
20. Plan a mother-daughter trip
21. Plan a father-daughter trip
22. Plan a grandmother-granddaughter trip
23. Plan an aunt-niece trip
24. Plan a brother-sister trip
25. Fly first class
26. Road trip the California coast

“God put Mass in English so we’d know what it’s about
God put the rhythm in me so I could turn it out!”

27. Start my own jewelry line
28. Sew 5 quilts
29. Edit, print, and frame 10 pictures I’ve taken
30. Buy a sewing machine
31. Make something on the sewing machine for my Auntie Mary
32. Self-publish one of my novels

“Angel of music
Guide and guardian
Grant to me your glory”

33. Complete my Disney DVD collection
34. Finish building my computer
35. Watch all of AFI’s 100 Best Movies of All Time
36. See 5 operas
37. See 5 classical concerts
38. See 5 ballets
39. Read the Modern Library Board’s 100 Best Novels
40. Start a book club with Rachel and Alysha
41. Have a James Bond movie marathon

“They thought she was ecstatic
And so damned aristocratic
And they never knew
That you did it!”

42. Lose 25 pounds
43. Lose another 10 pounds, if it’s possible/safe
44. Floss teeth every day for a month
45. Add a teeth whitening program to my routine
46. Get a haircut
47. Take calcium pills every day for 12 months
48. Wear dresses for an entire week
49. Get the HPV vaccine
50. Don’t drink soda for a month
51. Drink only water for 10 weeks
52. Get a bikini wax
53. Wear a bikini
54. Dye/streak my hair

“And let me love you, baby
Let me love you…”

55. Call _____ every week
56. Send _____ a care gift every month
57. Create an online dating profile

“I’m glad we have this new technology
Which gives us untold opportunity
FOR POR-oops, sorry
Right from your own desktop
You can research, browse and shop
Until you’ve had enough and are ready to stop

58. Cosplay at a convention
59. Complete fic claims
60. Attend a convention that isn’t AX or YC
61. Finish 30_romances mod work
62. Clear out my fic requests
63. Read all of the manga series I’ve started

"Oh, what a night
Late December back in '63
What a very special time for me
'Cause I remember what a night..."

64. Try one new drink every month
65. Go clubbing
66. Visit a psychic
67. Go wine tasting
68. Learn to pole dance (yes, really)
69. Go to a Build-a-Bear store
70. Get drunk
71. Shop in a sex store (i.e. Adam and Eve)
72. Participate in a March Madness challenge

“Chiquitita, tell me the truth
I’m a shoulder you can cry on
Your best friend
I’m the one you must rely on…"

73. Write someone a letter each week for 3 months
74. Have friends over for dinner 10 times
75. Call someone in my phone book once a week; if they don’t pick up, send them a “thinking of you” gift
76. Take someone out on a picnic
77. Throw 3 birthday parties

“Always look on the bright side of life!”

78. Wake up by 7 every morning for 2 weeks
79. Watch the sun rise once a month
80. Watch the sun set once a month

“It only goes to show what little people can do!”

81. Pay for someone else in a restaurant
82. Donate blood
83. Help 5 other people with a task on their 101 in 1001 list
84. Participate in a charity walk
85. Volunteer with one of my old high school groups - Gov Team, Speech, Quiz Bowl, Science Olympiad, band - 10 times
86. Donate 1 million grains of rice on freerice.com

“Once in every show
There comes a song like this…”

87. Clean bedroom at home

“Why can’t the English
Learn to speak?!”

88. Take a Jeopardy test
89. Attempt to qualify for Mensa
90. Write one essay I don’t have to

“There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!”

91. Add a new goal every 100 days
92. Don't buy clothes for 6 months
93. Win NaNoWriMo for a 4th year (2009)
94. Win NaNoWriMo for a 5th year (2010)

101 in 1001

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