15 - Broomsticks, Quidditch, anything that goes over 200mph

May 05, 2009 22:11

Entry 1 of 2 for team_sga's AU Fest.

Prompt 81. From tielan: the team as Potterverse wizards and witches - can be at school or meeting as adults, fighting dark wizards/witches, or simply having fun.


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tv: stargate atlantis, !drawing

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Comments 20

tielan May 7 2009, 08:49:54 UTC
I so want to write fanfic to this!

Love their expressions and their poses and expressions - it's perfectly them and I adore it! Thank you so much for taking my prompt and doing wonderful things with it.

(And I love Teyla as a Slytherin, personally. Not because she's evil or bad or self-serving, just because I can see her cunning and practical and so very, "Well, if you insist on getting into trouble, I suppose there should be someone to make sure that you aren't caught." At which point John would declare that Teyla's "the best" and Rodney would pale and complain about how he will never, ever forgive John if they get expelled, while Ronon steals the Arithmancy homework Rodney was working on and skims the answers to check if he's got it right. Which he does, of course.)


mashimero May 7 2009, 18:38:11 UTC
Yay! Glad you like it!

{That sounds awesome! Teyla love! Can I bribe you with more art to write this? X3)


tielan May 7 2009, 20:59:03 UTC
I can always be bribed... :D

I'll see what I can write while bored at work today. ;)


rustler May 8 2009, 00:12:35 UTC
Aw! This is adorable. :-)


mashimero May 8 2009, 07:47:12 UTC
Thank you!


kyizi May 8 2009, 12:06:00 UTC
Eeeeee! I love this! *glee* Teyla is so a Slytherin! ;) I...totally want to write fic for SGA in the HP 'verse now! *facepalm*


mashimero May 9 2009, 06:42:15 UTC
Yay! I'd always be happy to see more HP crossover fic. Strangely enough, I don't really love HP but it's just so easy to crossover with. I'm glad you liked it!


kyizi May 31 2009, 19:54:46 UTC
lol, I'm a bit of a HP fan myself, but it's been a while since I wrote anything with the characters


briar_pipe May 12 2009, 02:44:27 UTC

I love John's smirk and his quidditch outfit. Rodney's scowl is priceless, and I kind of feel Teyla's maybe flirting with Ronon here? (For great justice, of course.)

God, I wish I had a free evening or six, because this is the first time I've been inspired to write HP in at least 5 years.


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