13 - game icons and headers

Mar 29, 2009 13:15

Various video game icons that have been collecting dust for a while, including entries for ff12_awards, dynast_lims, and dmc_icontest.

+ 8 Devil May Cry
+ 6 Digital Devil Saga
+ 6 Final Fantasy XII
+ FFTactics, ICO, MGS, Phoenix Wright, Suikoden, Vagrant Story

+ 1 VS lovebar
+ 1 FF12 header
+ 1 Okami header

35 total


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game: metal gear solid, game: devil may cry, game: phoenix wright, !header, !icons, game: final fantasy tactics, !lovebar, game: vagrant story, game: final fantasy xii, game: suikoden, game: digital devil saga

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Comments 10

zysm March 29 2009, 21:28:56 UTC
oh! beautiful style
taking Ico and Yorda icon ♥


mashimero March 30 2009, 01:20:11 UTC
Thanks for commenting :)


cidhighwind March 29 2009, 21:59:23 UTC
Lol Fran looks like she is ready to take a giant dong in her ass. I am friending you for that.


mashimero March 30 2009, 01:20:38 UTC
I didn't see that before. I can't unsee it now though lol


dmjewelle March 29 2009, 23:29:45 UTC
A Vagrant Story lovebar! <3
Took that and the 3 Phoenix Wright ones.


mashimero March 30 2009, 01:20:58 UTC
VS is ♥

Thanks for commenting!


sixpoint March 30 2009, 06:08:52 UTC
Ooh, I love that Fran + Balthier banner, it's gorgeous.
May I ask where you found the image? it's stunning


mashimero March 30 2009, 16:28:25 UTC
Aww thank you! You can find it here. Which reminds me I should porbably update my resources page.


blinky_the_elf March 30 2009, 22:37:47 UTC
Thanks for the Vagrant Story icons! You have a great style! :D


mashimero March 31 2009, 03:42:50 UTC
Thank you!


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