Super Belated Birthday Post, X'D

Feb 11, 2012 20:59

Hello SCREW fans ^^ -- Rui's, Maru-san's, and Byou's birthday has just recently passed, and I was in the intent of making icons, but umm ... <,< ... never got around to it in time, XPPP. But anytime is better than no time, right? ^^;; Thus, I present to all of you a little something I made. I hope everyone likes them =]


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graphics: screw

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Comments 7

RUI-KUN cambias February 12 2012, 02:16:37 UTC
I love no 3. The one with Rui. He looks kawaii ^^ Hell, I even like Rui no. 1
Good job ^_~


Re: RUI-KUN misfitmisfit February 12 2012, 02:25:58 UTC
Yeah? I'm so happy to hear that! Thank you <3<3


Re: RUI-KUN cambias February 12 2012, 02:33:31 UTC
You are very welcome, Darling *kiss* *kiss*


atmosphere_zero February 12 2012, 04:37:47 UTC
:D These look awesome!! Thanks so much for making it! ^^ *goes off to steal some*


misfitmisfit February 12 2012, 04:46:36 UTC
Haha! You embarrass me, lol. I'm glad you like them ^^


sbd000 February 22 2012, 13:14:19 UTC
these are so cute!


misfitmisfit February 22 2012, 16:57:01 UTC
*blush* Thank you ^.^


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