Title: Motorcycle Diaries. Rating: R. Pairing: Ando/Daphne(/Motorcycle). Summary: Prompt: Ando/Daphne, motorcyle, much love for Ando's tight shirts and biceps Notes: Yet another Yet Another Heroes Anonymous Kink Meme fic.
Oh that *is* hot. Much love indeed for Ando, his tight shirts, biceps and Ando-cycle. Seriously, I have so much love for that bike, I will shout "Ando-cycle" every time before watching a new ep, hoping that if I shout loud enough, it will appear onscreen. O_O
...I don't think I'm shouting loud enough.
Err... Right, back to topic at hand. The sadist in me is asking for Matt to find out. XD Any chance for that eventual fallout? Or makeup sex? *crosses fingers*
Wow! I can't believe I didn't see this one on the meme. This so wonderfully sensual! I love all the details you've captured:
reaching behind himself to drop the rag back on the table. It doesn't quite hit, slipping from the edge to the floor.
He's instantly glad that he took Hiro's adventures with Kensei as an opportunity to use that gym membership he'd been neglecting.
It's the little things like that that make this feel so real as you're reading it.
I love how you're written Daphne, with the Ando-cycle and her impulsiveness in sprinting over to Japan because she had a hot n heavy dream about Ando. I really like the playfulness between them and YAY! for Ando's biceps because srsly, they're so hot.
I read this back at the meme way back when, and I still love it. I love the little references to things like Daphne's cerebral palsy and Ando's perchance for video chatting. And I love how nervous he was at first, so cute. I love how the easy going, fun feeling this fic has. I really wish we could have had more scenes with Daphne and Ando because they complimented each other so well, something you really emphasized in this. I loved it.
Comments 7
...I don't think I'm shouting loud enough.
Err... Right, back to topic at hand. The sadist in me is asking for Matt to find out. XD Any chance for that eventual fallout? Or makeup sex? *crosses fingers*
Thank you so much!!
reaching behind himself to drop the rag back on the table. It doesn't quite hit, slipping from the edge to the floor.
He's instantly glad that he took Hiro's adventures with Kensei as an opportunity to use that gym membership he'd been neglecting.
It's the little things like that that make this feel so real as you're reading it.
I love how you're written Daphne, with the Ando-cycle and her impulsiveness in sprinting over to Japan because she had a hot n heavy dream about Ando. I really like the playfulness between them and YAY! for Ando's biceps because srsly, they're so hot.
Great fic! <3
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