They're Back: An English Encounter (Day 8)

Jul 07, 2010 14:56

We kind of slept in today as everyone was extremely tired. We also didn't have to rush to get a shuttle. My dad actually rented a car from The Enterprise located in the hotel. Usually you could only rent it for a day and not for a day and a half, otherwise they charge you for two days. But this guy was nice enough to only charge us for the 28 hours instead. The ride to Kennedy Space Center wasn't too long and once we got there we got our tickets and started walking around. Which, I have to admit, wasn't the best as it was a very hot day and as things are well spaced out in there, you have to walk outdoors to get everywhere. The first place we went to once we got our tickets was Early Space Exploration. It was so cool to see all of the experiments they and trials we have done in the past just to at least get a ship into outer-space. After that, we went to the Imax theater where they were playing a 3D movie of the photos they took from the Hubble Spacecraft. It was amazing! Some of it really made me feel like I was there. Have you ever taken the 3D glasses off during the movie? If you want an instant headache go ahead and try it! :)

They also had a simulated shuttle launch. You could either go inside the launch or view it from a viewing room. There was a warning about people with motion sickness not going on as there would be violent shaking. I had a headache from not enough sleep and the heat so decided to get the pass for viewing. This ass of a staff member goes: Oh it isn't that bad, in a condescending way. It's not your job to tell me that I should have gone through with it. Watching it, it wasn't as bad as all the warning signs were making it out to be. So, yes, that woman might have been right but her opinion still wasn't needed. Moving on! After that we went to a gift shop afterwards where got my mom a t-shirt and tote bag. The last thing we did there was go through a tour of a space shuttle, but there wasn't much to see there.

Once we were done we decided to go get something to eat and found a Burger King not too far from there. I found out that I wasn't feeling too good from the lack of sleep and heat so had a little nap in the car on the way back to the hotel. When we got back my sister and I went to the pool while my dad sat near by and read. Of course I had to use the hot tub again! We wanted to go to a Dairy Queen as we don't have any on Long Island. Hell, I don't even think we have one in the city. But by the time we had taken our showers they had closed. We found out that there was a Sonic near by that was open until 3 in the morning! So we decided to head there. The way it's set up is that you pull into a parking spot where there's a menu and once you're ready you push the button and place your order. Well, we did that and no one responded so my dad went up to another one and ordered. We waited forever only to find ot that the dude delivering the food couldn't fund us. So he decided it'd be ok to throw out our food! Even I got a bit of an attitude and normally I like to avoid confrontation. Eventually we got our food. Thankfully it was good but I wasn't happy about how long we had to wait, almost an hour! After that we went back to the hotel and pretty much crashed.

real life, random, they're back: an english encounter

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