Title: The Beginning is the End is the Beginning [Doctor Who]
Music: The Beginning is the End is the Beginning
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Doctor Who or Smashing Pumpkins. Nor do I make a profit off of this video.
Fandom: Doctor Who
File/Size: 1:21//13.77 MB (.wmv)
Characters: Tenth Doctor, Martha Jones, Captain Jack Harkness
Summary: A darker take on Series 3 of Doctor Who.
HQMQ Vidder's Notes: Pretty bummed it couldn't go on YouTube, but found out too late that The Smashing Pumpkins are owned by WMG who doesn't allow any of their songs to be used on YouTube. Still, if you'd like to follow me and find videos of mine that have unfortunately been removed from YT, feel free to follow me on BAM Vid Vault! :)