Uh oh, the obsession continues...

Jun 27, 2007 17:07

The 1_sentence community is simply too kind, permitting me yet another pairing to write on. Little do they know of my evil plan to promote the tiny Bloody Roar fandom. Bwahahahaha! Just kidding, teehee. I plan to ask for a couple of other pairings after I post this set up at the community, and one will most certainly not be in the BR realm. *gasp of shock!* Which couple will it be? Just wait and see... Anyway, I know that there aren't very many supporters of Long x Jane in the already-miniscule BR fandom, but I do have a friend who is a huge fan of them, and so this set is specially dedicated to her. :) She knows who she is, hehe. Leave a comment, my dear, and tell me if you liked this set! ^_^ Well, without further ado, let's begin!

Fandom: Bloody Roar III
Pairing: Long Shin x Shina/Jane Gado
Theme set: Delta
Rating: PG-13

1. Air

The crisp, breezing air in Long’s house was cool and fresh, ghosting gently around her form as he invited her into his home for the first time.

2. Apples

Jane wasn’t very fond of fruit, but the Kenpo master whipped up a delicious dessert with apples that made her want to change her mind.

3. Beginning

Neither one could pinpoint the start of their relationship, for it had been a simple transition from a comfortable friendship into romantic affection.

4. Bugs

The female war veteran rarely showed any weaknesses, and so Long was a bit startled one day when she suddenly jumped up from the sight of a cockroach crawling along the dirty ground.

5. Coffee

Since Jane was a Westerner, he figured that she would prefer coffee, but to his pleasant surprise, she expressed great interest in his vast selection of tea.

6. Dark

He knew that the strong young woman thought rather highly of him, but he didn’t dare to reveal the dark entity that dwelled deep within him.

7. Despair

Perhaps one of the many things that had drawn them together was their similar experiences with grief and turmoil in the earlier years of their lives.

8. Doors

During her first week living with the Kenpo master, Jane got a little lost navigating around the unfamiliar house, mostly due to the fact that there were so many doors that led to all different rooms.

9. Drink

“Let me guess, you’re too conservative to drink,” she remarked with a grin, and he responded in a surprisingly teasing tone, “Or perhaps it is because I’m slightly intimidated by how well you can hold your liquor…”

10. Duty

“You don’t have to baby-sit me out on the battlefield,” she retorted one night after a rather dangerous brawl, to which he replied soberly, “Yes, I am well aware of your independent streak, but it is my duty to protect you, Jane…”

11. Earth

While her beau was very calm and down-to-earth, she had a zealous and short temper that only a man of utmost patience could bear to withstand.

12. End

In his rare moments of pessimistic contemplation, he wondered dimly if there would ever be an end to the bond that they shared together; her presence made him realize anew how bleak and bitter solitude used to feel.

13. Fall

Autumn was most beautiful at its peak when the leaves turned into an array of bright colors, including a particular shade of pale yellow that immediately snared his keen attention.

14. Fire

Long could almost feel pity for the foes going against his girlfriend, for surely they would crumble before the fiery ferocity of her fighting prowess.

15. Flexible

It surprised him to learn that he was actually the more flexible one in their relationship, even though she younger and should have had the pliable mindset; her stubborn streak had probably been influenced by Alan Gado.

16. Flying

The battle-hardened warrior wasn’t one to believe all those flighty tales of love feeling like airy clouds and floating cotton candy, and yet her mind often soared with delight whenever she caught him looking at her gently, endearingly.

17. Food

The menu had been a heated topic of discussion when they first started living together; he tried to convince her to taste Chinese food while she insisted that French cuisine was a must-have.

18. Foot

More often than not, Jane found herself speaking without thinking, and whenever she inserted her own foot into her mouth, she was relieved that her beau only raised an eyebrow in mild chastise.

19. Grave

His face was grave with heavy anxiety when Long spied the young woman kneeling on the ground of the battlefield as an aftermath of receiving a severe strike from the enemy party.

20. Green

“…I think I like your blue one better,” Jane remarked with a wry grin as the Kenpo master glanced down at his green Oriental-style attire.

21. Head

The blonde veteran discovered that Long had a great head for strategy by the way he fought his battles, with calm and cleverly-executed tactics.

22. Hollow

“Senseless violence is but a hollow victory,” he chided her in a mild tone, “Don’t be so eager to rush into a physical confrontation, Jane…”

23. Honor

In all her life, Jane had run across many scumbags, and very few men had the honor and integrity that her beau possessed, which were traits that had appealed to her right from the start.

24. Hope

She relied on statistics and technology rather than hope and faith when it came to turbulent events, but for the first time, she prayed hard for Long’s recovery from a deep battle wound.

25. Light

His soul was tainted by the sins of his past, but gradually, he felt his guilt slowly burning away from the light of her passionate assurances.

26. Lost

Though it happened very rarely, Jane could barely contain her boiling anger when she lost a battle; forget the peace of mind that the Kenpo master constantly preached about.

27. Metal

The chill of cold metal stung the back of his head as the leopard zoanthrope pushed him up against the hard door to steal a surprise kiss.

28. New

He had little romantic experience, and so it was understandable that his hand trembled a bit as his fingers glided across her newly-bared skin.

29. Old

Long believed in the utmost honesty and had to admit that part of him worried about what the young woman thought of his age; he didn’t truly feel that old, but what if she…?

30. Peace

Being with the raven-haired man, she was able to have a very peaceful life, but sometimes an urge for a reckless journey gave her a pestering itch.

31. Poison

Her occasional bloodlust was like a poison that intoxicated her senses, and only Long’s calm, reasonable assurances could bring tranquility to her ardent passion.

32. Pretty

“I guess she’s kinda pretty,” Yugo jostled the Kenpo master with a wolfish grin, to which Long threw him a stern look and countered, “Physical appearances are hardly significant… she is thoroughly beautiful in spirit.”

33. Rain

For the longest time, Jane thought that her beau didn’t have much of a sense of humor, but he apparently found her to be a funny sight when she came home one rainy afternoon, completely drenched from head-to-toe.

34. Regret

I have had far too many regrets in my life, the raven-haired man reminisced with a heavy sigh; I only pray that… my curse will not affect Jane as well…

35. Roses

Hmm, flowers aren’t really my kind of thing, but… she found herself beginning to smile when Long tentatively presented her with a bundle of dew-sprinkled, sanguine roses.

36. Secret

“You should get a girlfriend, Master Long,” Uriko piped up helpfully during a training session, and her martial arts instructor fought to hide a furtive smile; there was no need to broadcast details of his personal life, after all…

37. Snakes

The blonde veteran prided herself on being fast and vicious in battle, so she was quite startled when during a sparring match, her boyfriend disappeared from sight and concealed his presence until she finally felt a pair of arms snaking around her waist.

38. Snow

It’s so damn cold here in the winter, Jane griped in her mind as her cool blue eyes glared outside into the snow, and she was grateful when Long entered the room, holding a steaming cup of hot tea in his hand.

39. Solid

Her father enjoyed taking apart the flimsy men that pursued the young woman, and it pleased her to see Long solidly holding his own when Alan practically interrogated him.

40. Spring

He admired the delicate life that blossomed in the spring, and silently he wished to share the gentle beauty with his girlfriend by his side.

41. Stable

“Hmm, you’re not running around like you used to… he must be a good influence on you,” Jenny remarked with a sly smile to her step-daughter, who shot back a hard glare in response; not that Jane didn’t agree on his stabilizing effect, but still…

42. Strange

The young woman admitted to feeling a certain fondness toward Long, but she was a little baffled by the strength of a strange attachment that made her ache with slight loneliness whenever they were apart.

43. Summer

It’s gotta be the summer heat… she reasoned silently in her mind when she abruptly realized that her eyes were hungrily following the muscular, half-naked form of her boyfriend.

44. Taboo

Apparently, mankind still had some prejudices, and when Jane had felt one too many stares at their “unusual” union, she turned around and snapped harshly, “What the hell are you looking at? Mind your own damn business!”

45. Ugly

“Shut up, mutt,” the rash young woman retorted as she punched the arm of her too-playful ally; “He’s not ugly at all, but you sure as hell are!”

46. War

Long knew that his girlfriend was perfectly capable of fending for herself, but that didn’t stop him from wanting to protect her from the blistering atrocities of the human-zoanthrope war.

47. Water

Her mood was easily disrupted like that of an item being dropped into calm water, but he, on the other hand, could quickly still the ripples from expanding out too far.

48. Welcome

“Welcome to your new home,” Long invited quietly and stepped back to allow the young woman to enter, and her slight gasp of pleasure made a smile play over his expression.

49. Winter

In all his years of solitude, he had become accustomed to the bitter frigidity of loneliness, but she burst into his life with a furious passion for living, enjoying each and every day in her own unique way.

50. Wood

The very first time she felt his hardness pressed against her thigh, the startled blonde retracted slightly to gaze upon his face, and he started to pull back in embarrassment, but he was thoroughly surprised when she gripped his arm and pulled him toward her bedroom.
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