Title: Heartbreak Pairing: KyuHyuk Rating: PG Genre: angst Summary: There's something Kyuhyun needed to know... A/N: I highly recommend you to listen to THIS song while reading this fic. ( ...Hyukkie? )
why T________T why is this so sad T___T i could hear the crack of my heart when reading around the ending T___T maybe you need to die once to realize what's really important in your life. hope hyukjae is given the chance to live again :D thank you for this!
Comments 12
so sadddd...wae wae T____T
why is this so sad T___T
i could hear the crack of my heart when reading around the ending T___T
maybe you need to die once to realize what's really important in your life. hope hyukjae is given the chance to live again :D
thank you for this!
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