Title: Uncertainty (17/?)
misanagyPairing: Cara/Kahlan
Rating: R
Length: 10.584 words
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Terry Goodkind and ABC/Disney.
Summary: After “Desecrated”, the merry band continues the search for the Stone of Tears, but along the way other things will be discovered and new people will appear in their lives.
AN: Yes, I’m still
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Comments 47
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I know nothing about Sarah being a Confessor or not.... *shifty eyes*
As for future!Cara... looks like she's dead *nods*
I'm writing the next chapter, doing my best to be fast :)
Thank you so much for continue reading my story and for taking the time to coment :D
I'm really glad I'm back too ;)
Thanks for reading and comenting, hope you keep enjoying the story.
Adoro a maneira como escreves e estava completamente ansiosa por mais um capítulo, e como era de esperar, não desiludiste.
Espero que continues a trazer-nos mais destes bons momentos :)
Estou a tentar postar o próximo capitulo o mais depressa possível. Não gosto nada de demorar tanto tempo a postar, mas às vezes não tenho mesmo tempo para escrever :(
Obrigada pelo comentário, gosto muito de ver o português aqui ;)
I am so happy to read this new update. Sarah confess that baneling, I'm sure!
I really hope that they can fix the Cara’s death in the future. *Sigh*
I'm anxious to read what will happen next, so hope you'll update soon.
Realmente uno de los mejores fics que he leído hasta ahora, eso es seguro. Gracias!!
No idea what Sarah did there...... ;)
As for Cara...she seems to be dead...yep...*shifty eyes*
I'll update as soon as I can, probably won't take me as long as this one to post.
Muchas gracias :D
I was so happy when I found updates to this! I hadn't even read chapter 16! This is one of my faves, and it keeps getting better and better!
I'm so happy that you keep enjoying the story, even though i take longer now to update because i have less time to write. But I'll finish the story,that's for sure :D
Hope you keep reading and enjoying it ;) Thanks for the comment, I really appreciate it :)
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