002 [text/action on Route 30]

Nov 17, 2010 15:02

[Forward dated to Wednesday evening.]

---I've been traveling by foot for the past four or five days. I just dropped by Cherrygrove for a few hours' rest and some food yesterday, but there wasn't much to do there. How long does it take to get to the next city, if I've been on this road for a day and a half now ( Read more... )

wth is this, walking isnt fun, i want real food, rainy, cold

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[text] And I'll be slow as usual. orz I have four tests altogether tomorrow and friday. FOUR!! Dx usaginouke November 18 2010, 03:32:29 UTC
Usagisan? It's misaki.

If you started a day or so ago we'll probably run into each other sometime tomorrow.


[text] I-I'm really slow on this account too, so.. ; w ; ;;; misakinoseme November 19 2010, 04:14:19 UTC
Hi Misaki.

That sounds all right to me. Do you have an umbrella, though? It might rain, and I haven't been able to find one.


[text] usaginouke November 20 2010, 07:06:51 UTC
I have one. We can share i guess.


[text--> action? :DDD] misakinoseme November 20 2010, 07:10:04 UTC
[Usami is sitting on a rock beneath a tree, taking shelter from the drizzle as he replies to Misaki's text.]

That works. Is that you down the road, with the umbrella? I'm under a tree right now..


[text--> action! Works for me~] usaginouke November 20 2010, 07:17:41 UTC
I think so! See you soon!

[Technically, they're already in eyesight of one another, but that's beside the point. Misaki, carrying a big, red umbrella is rushing towards Usami. Not running, necessarily, since it's a little too wet out for that and he could slip and fall, but rushing nonetheless!

He stops in front of the tree, a little short of breath. When he looks up his face is flushed, but not completely from exertion.]

I... G... good afternoon... Usagi-san.


[Awesome possum action time! :D] misakinoseme November 20 2010, 07:22:54 UTC
[He'll never admit how happy he is to see Misaki in this strange new world, so he tries to smile calmly.]

It's a good day, isn't it, Misaki?

[After this nonchalant greeting, Usami gets to his feet and ruffles Misaki's hair.]


[Action is a beautiful thing~] usaginouke November 20 2010, 07:27:06 UTC
If... if you think rain is good... [He's just being contrary of course, since it is Usami after all.

Oh!... It's been a long time since he's felt those hands. Ruffling his hair like that, it gives him a warm, safe feeling inside.

............. He's missed it.

He straightens up and just stares for now. Usami is here. What could this possibly mean? And he doesn't remember anything. This might be difficult, it might be weird but... he's happy. He really is.]


[Action] misakinoseme November 20 2010, 07:32:00 UTC
Rain's all right, although the mud I could do without.

[He ruffles Misaki's hair for a while before lowering his hand and stuffing it into his pocket. Around this time, Usami's Teddiursa peeks out from behind his legs and stares up at Misaki, but Usami decides to figure out the situation first.]

So Misaki-- how long have you been here, in this world? I personally just saw you a few hours ago before you went to school...


[Action] usaginouke November 20 2010, 07:48:49 UTC
[He barely holds back a sigh when Usami's hand leaves his hair. It felt so nice and familiar...

Misaki smiles at the little Teddiursa and waves.] Hi there, Suzuki-san.

[He looks up, surprised. Well, Usami has always been one to get to the point.]

Ah, yeah. You see, the last I remember... well, I'll answer your question first. Um, I've been here about two months now. But apparently it's normal that our world and this one doesn't quite match up. I-if that makes sense...


[Action] misakinoseme November 20 2010, 07:55:26 UTC

[A thoughtful pause.]

I guess I can understand what you mean. Not that it sounds physically impossible at all.
You knew Aikawa... so does that mean you're somewhere from my future?


[Action] usaginouke November 20 2010, 07:59:19 UTC
[It's so annoying how he can take these kinds of things in stride all the time. Then again, Usami is always on his own plane of reality. Misaki's pretty used to it by now.]

Y-yeah, you could say that.

I... I'm nineteen now, actually.


[Action] misakinoseme November 20 2010, 08:06:45 UTC
[Usami vaguely wonders if he and Misaki are on better terms by the time that Misaki comes from.]

Nineteen? Well... I guess I'll have to say happy birthday, for now. I don't have much money with me in this pack, so this'll have to do. [And he just pats Misaki's head before placing a hand on the umbrella.] Now, do you want to rest or should we start walking towards civilization?


[action] usaginouke November 20 2010, 16:35:37 UTC
Ahh! You don't--[And he's caught off guard by the second heat-pat. It takes him a few seconds to gather his thoughts again.] ...oh! You don't have to worry about money. I took a part-time job in the next town over and so...

Ah! We should start walking. Unless you need to rest some more? It's easy to get blisters when you first start out.


[action] misakinoseme November 20 2010, 22:33:35 UTC
I'm not going to mooch off of you forever, and I'm a near-thirty bachelor, it'll make me feel less restless if I had a job.

Let's get going. I'd rather get blisters than stay in the rain too much, and Mr. Suzuki will get a cold. [He hoists the umbrella out of Misaki's hand, keeping it over the two of them.] I'll carry this, Misaki.


[action] usaginouke November 20 2010, 23:04:40 UTC
I know that! I was just saying... you could rely on me a bit more for that until you get a job for yourself. [Really, Misaki can't see Usami working at anything but novels. He might actually end up being the breadwinner in this place.]

Ahh, o-oh, okay... [Misaki is cool with Usami holding the umbrella but... he almost wishes they could have held it together. NOT LIKE HE WAS THINKING THAT TOO MUCH GOD THAT SOUNDS LIKE A HIGH SCHOOL GIRL'S DREAM AKFJSLFEHSKOF...

Instead, he makes due by picking up Suzuki-san and holding him in his arms, much like he usually holds Sunkern.] Do you mind, Suzuki-san?


[action] misakinoseme November 20 2010, 23:13:43 UTC
I'll keep that offer in mind. [He quirks his lip into a small smile and watches as Misaki picks up Mr. Suzuki. The Teddiursa shifts a bit in Misaki's arms but settles comfortably soon enough, giving an enthusiastic "Ursa!" before patting Misaki's hands.]

Shall we get going, then?


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