This time LITERALLY no one ships it but me

Feb 09, 2014 19:21

Lol, the last episode of Arrow has me shipping Oliver/Sebastian Blood. I don't even know./o\ ( minor Arrow spoilers )

talking meme, my brain

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Comments 4

daria234 February 10 2014, 00:50:28 UTC
I ship them too! Granted I ship LOTS of pairings, but when Oliver saved his life at that shootout several eps ago and Sebastian looked all grateful, I shipped it.

Recently someone wrote Slade/Sebastian (I think for the Porn Battle too?), and that got me thinking that Slade/Sebastian/Oliver could be incredibly dark and hot, with Sebastian/Oliver bonding over their relationship with (ahem, terror of/suffering at the hands of) Slade.

But I hadn't thought about it as much and your points are really well thought out and make a lot of sense. You're right, it's really kind of sweet he thinks of Oliver as a friend and worries about what will happen to Moira.

PS It would be AWESOME if you wrote them... just saying ;)


misachan February 10 2014, 23:59:03 UTC
I ship them too! Granted I ship LOTS of pairings, but when Oliver saved his life at that shootout several eps ago and Sebastian looked all grateful, I shipped it.

Right? Seriously, if anyone had tried to tell me before the start of the season I would be this invested in Brother Blood.

Recently someone wrote Slade/Sebastian (I think for the Porn Battle too?), and that got me thinking that Slade/Sebastian/Oliver could be incredibly dark and hot, with Sebastian/Oliver bonding over their relationship with (ahem, terror of/suffering at the hands of) Slade.

I SAW THAT! Didn't get to read it yet, but it's on my list. (It was the only story that had Blood in a pairing!) And yes, the two of them having Slade as that terrifying thing in common. Or Slade noticing their being friendly and pushing them closer so it will wreck Oliver when he finally gets around to putting Blood down. (No one has ever been more doomed than Sebastian Blood, let's be honest here.)

PS It would be AWESOME if you wrote them... just saying ;)We should both write it! ( ... )


ffutures February 10 2014, 10:31:06 UTC
I'm still pinning my hopes on Dinah's mom turning out to be River Song...


misachan February 11 2014, 00:00:51 UTC
If she was going to marry anyone other than the Doctor the guy would definitely be Harry Dresden, after all.


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