Let's then fall into the dark

May 03, 2013 23:47

This is my very favorite ficathon:

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omgdeadlines, important dates, blind panic, pimpin'

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Comments 8

dustlines May 4 2013, 03:51:53 UTC
Hey, Into a Bar does sound pretty cool! I'd probably throw Jack Harkness into every fandom, because I feel like he'd trigger fun moods around just about any character I care about.

(I still have NO FRACKING IDEA what I'm writing for DCBB. I'm seriously considering grabbing some of my WiPs and putting up a poll. Would anyone vote in that? That sounds pitiful, doesn't it? Sigh.)

That's not pathetic! Post away! I'd love to see what WIPs you're working on.


misachan May 4 2013, 04:22:54 UTC
Surrounded by enablers.:) And Jack's a great choice for this kind of thing. Go for it!


dustlines May 4 2013, 04:50:21 UTC

I might! I'll go give the community a look.


misachan May 4 2013, 05:07:03 UTC
*enables right back*


grasshopr_molly May 4 2013, 04:06:40 UTC
Should I be disturbed that I also picked Natasha?


misachan May 4 2013, 04:24:52 UTC
I think there's at least one other Nat in there, too.:) She's exactly the kind of character who's perfect for this because you can imagine her talking to anyone.


sirenshaper May 9 2013, 15:03:54 UTC
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you say you were planning to do the Carpenter!AU for the Dean Cas Big Bang this year? I read the premise and loved it, so I wouldn't have any complaints if that's what you choose. But if you're considering some other plot or plots, please make a poll. :)


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