in the belly of the beast we turned into

Nov 28, 2012 13:25

I am having a day of EMOTIONS. And I'm at work so I can't even whump on Cas work on my DCSS to make myself feel better.

So, y'know. If anyone out there is sitting on picture of cute animals or general funny nonsense, I could use some of that right now.

do not want, rl

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Comments 10

Funny Stuff sirenshaper November 28 2012, 21:58:01 UTC
Ooo ( ... )


Re: Funny Stuff misachan November 29 2012, 04:14:44 UTC
The spice must flow! Now there needs to be an angry kitty whose name has become a killing word.:)

(And no, definitely not whump on that level!)


LiveJournal Doesn't Like Links in Comments sirenshaper November 28 2012, 22:00:32 UTC
I sent some funny stuff TWICE and both times it was marked as spam. Guess Livejournal doesn't like links in their comments section. Oh well. Let me know if you had any trouble getting it.


Re: LiveJournal Doesn't Like Links in Comments misachan November 29 2012, 04:17:34 UTC
I got the one with Dune cat! Which you know, since I responded to it.

Anyway, what LJ does when it thinks something might be spam is to screen the message so that it comes up as a "suspicious message," separate from the other comments. I can still see it, I just have to unscreen it.

Thank you, bb!


chrryblssmninja November 28 2012, 22:17:10 UTC

... )


misachan November 29 2012, 04:18:13 UTC
Hee! Silly panda!:)


elfladyarwen November 29 2012, 00:01:08 UTC
Do you get my PM's, out of curiousity?


misachan November 29 2012, 04:19:35 UTC
Answer should be in your inbox.:)


twisting_vine_x November 29 2012, 03:15:12 UTC
Aw, hon. I hope the day of emotions gets a bit better. Sending hugs in your direction. ♥


misachan November 29 2012, 04:20:08 UTC
Aw, thank you! *hugs back*


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