I defy you, Frankenstorm! *shakes fist!*

Oct 29, 2012 01:13

Managed to get in my spn_reversebang draft in on time and without any power loss shenanigans! Victory! \o/ (ammo, if you want a look at a really rough draft and see this before I email you first, just give me the word!)

This means I have now met all of my October deadlines! Double victory! (Technically, I still have a couple of scenes to write for one of my polybigbangs, but I ( Read more... )

omgdeadlines, rl

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Comments 5

cherrymmm October 29 2012, 05:46:29 UTC
The wind is scary. I worry about all these trees I'm surrounded by. I live on the Chesapeake but we are on a cliff so unless the water rises 50 feet I'd don't think flooding will be an issue. Just the wind is freaking me out. I want to hide in the basement except it's scary down there. There's cobwebs and bugs and it smells like old people!


misachan October 29 2012, 15:05:34 UTC
Yeah, a pole or tree coming down on my car is always by big fear with storms, not so much the rain. And losing power, obviously.

Be safe!


cherrymmm October 29 2012, 17:05:36 UTC
Be safe. check in when it's over!


twisting_vine_x October 29 2012, 06:54:54 UTC
Best of luck with the hurricane! I'll be sending good thoughts in your direction. ♥


misachan October 29 2012, 15:07:21 UTC
Thank you! ♥


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