I think this is where sleep and I part ways.

Sep 25, 2012 12:33

Well, it's been a while so let's have another "misachan is bad with dates and has signed up for All The Things, omg how did that happen?" post. Because otherwise I will never be able to keep track of what comes due when.

Deadlines currently haunting my dreams:

polybigbang: 10K minimum, rough drafts due Oct. 10th (for this a rough draft equals 80% of story finished ( Read more... )


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Comments 2

morganoconner September 25 2012, 16:44:16 UTC
Holy crap why is already almost the end of September I HAVE NO TIME TO WRITE ALL THESE THINGS. O_o

Ugh. I have a list of my own, of course, but it's only when I see someone else post the dates that it ever registers how close some of them are. /o\ Oh well...I'll count you finishing your fics as my reward for me finishing mine. Because I want all of these in ways I cannot even tell you. XD

Also, I will be posting something today/tomorrow, even if it's none of these things. So there's that. :P

OMG your artist is ammo, that's AWESOME! I love her work, I can't believe I didn't catch that when I was looking at your prompt. :D


with_rainfall September 25 2012, 22:10:05 UTC
I... I think I've caught your signing-up disease. I just signed up for another table over at ka_verse, although this time it's at least for main characters rather than one who lasted three books (David). :P

/fandom plug


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