Fic: Take The Wheel 3/4 (Supernatual; Dean/Jimmy/Cas, NC-17)

Feb 21, 2012 07:30

Fic Title: Take The Wheel ( Art Masterpost)
Author: misachan
Fandom/Genre: Supernatural
Pairing(s): Dean/Jimmy/Cas
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3713
Warnings: Torture in part 4, language, guilt over adultery
Summary: There aren't too many positives about agreeing to be strapped to a comet, but one of the bigger ones is that Castiel at least manages to keep Jimmy asleep and unaware most of the time - so when Jimmy suddenly finds himself wrenched awake mid-battle he knows this has to be a bad sign. Their attacker is a wild card in the angelic war, one who believes she's the only one truly fighting for the humans, and to that end she's developed a new weapon: a way to enchant her sword so that it can kill an angel without having to sacrifice the vessel. And she's made Castiel her first test. With Castiel wounded Jimmy's forced to take control, and he and Dean set off on a desperate road trip to the security of Bobby's safe room.

Dean drives fast, but angels are faster.

(A/N: Thanks to my awesome beta aerilex and awesome artist lennymechs!)

They were going to have sex.

Neither he or Dean had actually said that aloud yet, but at some point after crossing the Wyoming border the understanding had settled between them like a pushy hitchhiker, making an already crowded car stifling. Rahmiel hadn't tried another attack since the motel and just waiting for that would have been enough to set their frayed nerves on edge without Jimmy being absolutely sure that Castiel wouldn't survive another attempt. That was another thing they hadn't talked about but just the fact that Dean had stopped asking how Castiel was doing told Jimmy he'd sensed the same thing.

Frankly, the two attacks had weakened the angel enough that Jimmy wasn't sure he would make it to South Dakota, although Jimmy hadn't shared that with Dean. The truth was that if a simple kiss was enough to bring Castiel back from the brink of death, then something more would have an even more dramatic effect. Probably not enough to break Rahmiel's spell, but enough to hold him up long enough to get to Bobby Singer and his (to hear Dean talk about it) magical panic room. Since it was becoming more obvious by the mile that Dean Winchester would cut off a hand without blinking if he could see the angel safe and whole again, sex was an inevitability.

Jimmy suspected that the reason Dean hadn't brought it up was that he was worried Jimmy would refuse. He wondered what Dean would say if he knew it was taking all of Jimmy's self control to not climb into Dean's lap and start things early.

He'd been able to ignore it at first. Jimmy had figured out he'd liked boys almost as soon as he figured out he'd liked girls, although he'd done his best to ignore it for most of his life. He'd always describe his home life growing up as a loving one, but it had never been the kind of family where that sort of thing was talked about. Not hostile to the idea perhaps, not really, and Jimmy thought his parents might even have suspected once or twice while he was growing up, but they were happy to ignore if Jimmy would. He'd been brought up to wait until marriage anyway, and that had been a handy excuse for most of high school to not deal with things. Then he'd gone off to college, met Amelia his second day there and just assumed God had answered his prayers and he could just put that part of his life firmly in the past.

Of all the complications being a vessel for an angel brought to his life, Jimmy would never have expected this to be one of them. Whatever else God was, Jimmy was convinced the bastard had a wretched sense of humor.

It would be easy to blame the kiss by the road, but Jimmy knew that had just opened the floodgates. The reality was as simple as the fact that he was trapped in a car with one of the more attractive people on the planet, someone better looking than anyone who spent his life getting punched in the face by monsters had any right to be. Someone who had seen him naked Jimmy didn't know how many times. Someone who knew every inch of his body, someone who had touched him in ways only his wife had ever done before and probably in ways even she had never thought of, for all that there really wasn't that much he and Amelia hadn't tried. Jimmy genuinely didn't have a problem with Castiel using his body to sleep with Dean - when the angel was in charge Jimmy really didn't consider it his body anymore, anyway - but not being able to remember any of it had Jimmy ready to crawl out of his skin.

While he knew Castiel certainly enjoyed sex - Jimmy thought the angel would have Dean's hands on him every second of the day if he could - because of what he was Jimmy knew he couldn't crave it, not that deep in the blood desire that was all hormones and need. Jimmy envied him that, because somewhere in Montana that craving had hit him like a Dean Winchester-shaped truck.

It was to the point where he could barely look at Dean anymore. He felt like he was trapped in a sexual version of that insatiable hunger that hit him the first time he'd been released from service, like just being around Dean turned Jimmy back into a fourteen-year-old terrified of being called in front of the class because everyone would be able to tell what he'd been daydreaming about.

Even reminding himself that when they eventually did have sex he wasn't the one Dean would really be there with didn't do anything to quell the desire. Dean was in love with someone who happened to look like him, Jimmy knew that was the real limit to anything between them. He caught Dean staring at him sometimes, looking for the angel in his eyes, and even that wasn't enough to cool down Jimmy's blood.

Jimmy knew all too well what it was like to love someone who didn't want him back and he didn't think he was strong enough to go through that twice.


"Dean, I don't know where you find these places." Traveling with Dean was like taking a guided tour through the lowlights of the seventies. He poked at the plastic screen separating the bedroom from the grimy kitchenette and watched dust shake off.

"I've been in this place before. Here, check this out," Dean said, hitting the lights. The screen glowed with a weak green light that sent spooky shadows all over the room. "Glow in the dark. Cool, huh?"

"That' word for it, sure." Dean turned the lights back up, flashing Jimmy a boyish grin that sent his heart up into his throat. Dean said something about going out to check on the car, Jimmy wasn't even paying attention, and Jimmy took advantage of the few minutes of solitude to sink down on the bed and try to get his shattered nerves under control. The last time he'd shaken this hard at the thought of being alone with someone had been his wedding night, and the second he had that thought all he wanted to do was pull it back. For the last fifty miles he'd felt the reality of what they were going to do here in this room settle around his neck like a thousand pound weight.

Jimmy didn't pretend he'd led a perfect life. Everyone told white lies and committed those every day transgressions and he was no exception, but this was different. This was a sin, and he was committing it with his eyes wide open.

And he wasn't excused just because he had good reason. Castiel hadn't spoken to him in hours and he wasn't even reacting to Dean's voice anymore, a bad sign. This had to happen and it had to happen tonight or the whole trip would be in vain, that was inescapable. It didn't make it any less adultery, any less a sin. And Jimmy couldn't even pretend it would be something he'd endure because he wanted it, wanted Dean's hands on him more with every beat of his heart.

He was glad he didn't have his wedding band on because he knew he didn't deserve to wear it any more.

He wished he could pray. Prayer had been his refuge since he was a child but he knew no one was listening. Of all the things saying yes to Castiel had stolen from him, Jimmy mourned that loss the most.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Dean staring down at him, the setting sun through the window bringing out the green in his eyes. Amelia had green eyes, too. "You okay?"

"Yeah." Jimmy thought that had to be the least convincing lie he'd ever told. "I'm just...guess all of this is sinking in, you know?" He took off his coat and suit jacket, throwing them on a nearby chair as Dean sat on the bed next to him. Dean was doing a lot of looking at his hands and Jimmy wondered if he was nervous, too. Jimmy hoped so.

"We don't have to do this if you're not cool with it," Dean said, his voice low and rough. "We burn rubber hard enough we could get to Sioux Falls in a day in a half, easy."

He wanted to thank Dean for trying to give him the out, but they both knew a lot of things had to go right for that to happen. One blocked road, one thing going wrong with the car, that would all add hours they didn't have. And those were just the mundane dangers; they were both waiting for the next attack, one that would be the last attack if they didn't do something now. Jimmy kicked off his shoes and sat back further on the bed. "We don't have a day and a half," he said, watching the words sink into Dean. "Just...y'know, be gentle with me, okay?"

Dean gave Jimmy that smirking half-smile of his and Jimmy felt lightheaded. Before Jimmy could say another word Dean crawled over to him and kissed him, a deep, slow kiss. He knew Dean had a lot of experience and it showed. "You sure you're okay?" Dean asked, his thumb running along the edge of Jimmy's jaw just the way he had after the attack at the motel. "You're shaking."

Jimmy swallowed hard. "Kinda nervous," he admitted. "Only been with one other person, y'know?" And I don't know what I'm doing.

"Practically another fucking virgin," Dean said, trying to make a joke of it and not quite managing it. "You want me to call things off, you just say the word...."

Jimmy reached up, grabbed a handful of Dean's hair and pulled him down into another rough kiss, earning a surprised mrmff from Dean that got Jimmy so hard he ached. Jimmy had always been raised to see things through and he wasn't taking the easy way out.

And besides, if Dean didn't touch him right now Jimmy thought he was going to explode. He felt Dean relax as he returned the kiss and wondered for one fleeting second if Dean had been worried that Jimmy didn't want him. Which was, frankly, insane.

He lay back and let Dean unbutton his shirt, sliding his own hands up under Dean's shirt and tracing along Dean's hard-earned scars. Dean kissed down his chest on the way to undoing his belt; he hadn't expected Dean to take the time to explore like this, to tease and it was already all Jimmy could do just to breathe.

Dean kept taking his time getting Jimmy out of his clothes, smirking at his frustration. He could feel Castiel start to rouse from the contact, confused and woozy. What's happening?

Shut up and enjoy it, Jimmy sent back, groaning as Dean's hand wrapped around his cock. Jimmy pulled him back down into another kiss; Dean was naked now too and he'd almost forgotten how good it felt to have another warm body pressed against his. He felt Castiel stretch and spread out under his skin, drinking in every bit of sensation; Jimmy felt his senses turn into a synesthetic jumble where Dean tasted like gold and his voice was light. If this was what Castiel felt like every time Dean touched him Jimmy didn't wonder that he'd turned against Heaven.

He angled his hips over and got on top of Dean; he didn't know if he'd ever get another chance to be with Dean as himself and he wasn't going to waste the opportunity. Dean grinned as Jimmy scraped his teeth against the side of his neck, sucking hard enough he knew he'd leave a bruise. He wanted to leave a bruise; in a few days when this was all over and he was gone again he wanted Dean to be able to see that and remember who he'd been with. Dean let out another surprised moan when Jimmy did the same thing on the line of his collarbone, his hands going tight in Jimmy's hair. Dean's voice sank deep under his skin and Jimmy didn't think there's anything he wouldn't do to hear that sound again. He worked his way down Dean's body, tracing his way down all of those those scars, first with his fingers and then with his tongue. He didn't know if he could make Dean Winchester say his name but making him gasp like this was almost good enough.

Dean licked along the curve where his neck met his shoulder and Jimmy shivered, clinging hard to Dean. "You like that, huh?" Dean whispered into his ear, his voice glowing in Jimmy's muddled senses. He sounded surprised and Jimmy wondered if his body reacted differently when Castiel was in charge of it. Dean lay him back down, that wicked smirk back on his face as he recommitted himself to exploring every inch of Jimmy's body. The smirk got wider each time he found a sensitive spot, some new way to make Jimmy jump and moan and swear. He hadn't expected that; it made it seem much more like Dean was actually with him and Jimmy hadn't been prepared for that. When Dean had reduced him down to whimpering and writhing he pressed back against him, his skin like a raging fire. "You sure it's okay like this?" he whispered, his voice like the sun.

Jimmy nodded, too overwhelmed for anything else. This was his only chance and Jimmy wanted to feel Dean, didn't want to hold anything back. Dean kissed him again and all Jimmy could do was moan into his mouth and press against him to try to get some kind of relief.

Dean was good at this. Before Jimmy could really catch up he felt Dean's fingers inside him, already slick and spreading him open. Jimmy relaxed and let Dean completely take over; Dean's expert fingers worked him open slowly and carefully, alternating with his tongue until he had to hold Jimmy down to keep him from writhing. Just before Jimmy started begging he felt Dean pull back and arrange Jimmy's legs into a better position. Jimmy felt a flutter of nerves and heard Castiel whisper to him. Just wait. You'll see.

He felt Dean slide inside him inch by inch, taking so much time it was almost torturous. Jimmy's whole body jumped off the bed when Dean started to move, his head tossing back as his angel-enhanced nerves danced tingling ice and heat over his skin. He held tight on to Dean, Castiel writhing inside him, arching his back as Dean pushed them both close to the edge. He pulled Dean closer to him, needing him close enough to taste; he licked along the hollow of Dean's neck, sucking his lip as Dean made Jimmy moan his name.

The climax came like an explosion of fire, hitting so hard Jimmy didn't know how his soul stayed in his body. He didn't know when Dean came too, collapsing on top of him, he didn't know anything except the waves of sensation crashing over him seemingly without end. Awareness crawled back slowly; he realized Dean was pressed against him, one arm tight around his waist, skin damp and smelling like soap. "Hey," Jimmy said, nuzzling Dean's wet hair. "How long was I out?"

"A while," Dean said, his voice thick and drowsy and still glowing around him like a halo. "Starting to get worried. Everyone okay in there?"

Jimmy pressed a hand to his chest, feeling Castiel so content he was buzzing with it. "Better than in a long time."

"Good." He stretched, taking up most of the bed. "Should probably get back on the road."

"Probably." Within seconds Dean's breathing went soft and deep, his arm still tight about Jimmy's waist. Jimmy lay back and counted the cracks in the motel ceiling as his heart pounded. With Dean asleep next to him and Castiel curled up in his chest like a contented cat, all three of them safe for a handful of stolen minutes, Jimmy was afraid to move in case he broke this fragile spell they'd spun around them.

I am not a cat.

Jimmy chuckled. "Shush," he whispered. "Rest while you can."

It had been so long since Jimmy had been this close to happiness he realized he'd almost forgotten what that felt like.


They were two hours from Bobby's when Rahmiel found them.

He heard Dean swear and had just enough time to look up and see her standing in the road, the wind billowing out her long hair as Dean tried to swerve around her. There was a loud pop as the right front tire blew out and the car went careening off the road, flying into the air and landing on the passenger side with a deafening crash. The car rolled over four more times, metal creaking and glass shattering. Jimmy couldn't hold on and did his best to protect his face as the car tossed him around; he tasted blood and felt pain spiral out from his arm and ribs as he smashed against the door and the roof.

Finally the car stopped moving, coming to a rest upside down and Jimmy was shocked that he was still breathing. "Dean?" he said, his voice barely more than a whisper. There was no answer and Jimmy felt fear stab through him. He pulled himself up as best he could and looked into the front seat. "Dean, answer me."

But Dean wasn't there. The windshield was a spiderweb of cracks, a jagged hole on the driver's side. There was blood all over the dashboard and Jimmy fought down panic. What happened? What's wrong?

Jimmy didn't answer, pushing Castiel deep down as he dragged himself out. His legs collapsed under him and he leaned against the car, feeling his bones already knitting back together. The pain should have been overwhelming but Jimmy barely felt it, and that had nothing to do with the Castiel supercharging his healing.

Jimmy could see Dean lying by the side of the road, face down and very, very still. Jimmy wasn't close enough to see if was he was breathing and he hadn't healed enough to crawl over to him. All Jimmy could do was wait and see if Dean would get up, if he would move. Dean had to move.

He blinked his eyes and suddenly Rahmiel was there crouching over Dean, her hand on his head. "No," he croaked, panic giving him a big enough surge of energy to sit up. He hadn't thought she'd heard but her head picked up, staring into him with a gaze that staked him down to the ground. "Don't hurt him."

With a flutter of wings she was inches from him, kneeling so close he could feel her breath. Castiel reacted immediately, shuddering with pain and Jimmy sent him a quiet apology. "Don't hurt him," he repeated again, not caring that he was begging.

"There's very little else I could do to him," she said, an amused lilt to her voice. She tipped his chin up and Jimmy could see Dean's blood staining her hand. Castiel convulsed inside him at the contact and Jimmy doubled over, doing everything he could to push him down further. He saw her brows draw together. "It's hurting you," she said, genuine concern in her voice, and Jimmy felt the despair from Castiel at hearing his sister call him it.

Jimmy couldn't do anything for him. If he could only help one of them, Jimmy knew which one Castiel would choose. "Save Dean," he said, forcing himself to hold eye contact with her. "Please."

He'd never seen someone look so confused. "But why? You would be free. He stole you away from me. He and Castiel have conspired to keep you imprisoned while they take their pleasures."

"You like humans," he countered, trying to use her disturbed arguments against her. "You want to save them, all of them, right? Dean's human, you can't stand by like this."

She shook her head and Jimmy felt despair shake him. "No soul could spend so much time in the Pit and remain human. The Righteous Man," - she let out a scoffing laugh at that - "may have fooled the rest of my siblings but never me." Her lips twisted up, as if she'd just thought of something wonderful. "Perhaps he'll go back there. In fact, I could probably send him. That would be just, don't you think?"

Jimmy could think of anything more unjust than Dean suffering in Hell. In Hell forever, because he'd tried to help. "Please," he whispered again. "Heal him. Heal him and I'll go with you," he promised, throwing out the only bargaining chip he had. "No more running."

She tilted her had to the side, he eyes wide. "You would do that?" she said, running her fingers through his hair. "You truly forgive all he's done to you?" Jimmy nodded and felt her kiss his temple. "The mercy of humans is astonishing." She gestured and Jimmy felt tears burn his eyes when he saw Dean begin to stir. "But you needn't come with me. Just let Castiel out and in a few moments I'll never trouble you again. I'll even return you home, to your wife and the beautiful child waiting for you."

It shamed Jimmy how tempting that was. "I can't."

She nodded, as if she'd expected that. "My brother also came back from Hell so much less than he'd been. I'm not surprised he's influenced your mind to this extent." She kissed his forehead again, like a mother comforting a frightened child. "Don't fear. I'll convince you."

Jimmy didn't know what that meant but it was too late. He saw Dean look up; their eyes locked for one second, Dean's expression going dark with rage. Rahmiel pressed her fingers to his temple and when he heard that soft wingbeat all Jimmy could do was close his eyes and pray to a God he knew didn't care.

go to part 4
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big bang, novaks rock, supernatural, dean/castiel, slash, fic

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