Heroes fic: "Ghost " (Gen: Bennet, Claude)

Apr 02, 2007 19:43

Title: Ghost
Characters/Pairings: Gen. Bennet, Claude, Wee!Claire, Haitian
Rating: PG-13
Spoiler alert: Spoilers through 1x17, "Company Man."
Summary: What happened on the bridge was necessary. Now Bennet just wants the sleepless nights to stop.

Bennet has to pull over and throw up about twenty miles from the bridge. )

heroes fic, bennet, fic, claude, heroes

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Comments 20

theladyemichan April 3 2007, 00:14:20 UTC
I love it! I love HRG's paranoia and the Haitian's reaction. Little Claire is cute too, and Mrs. Bennet is great. This was a good idea and really well-done. :)


misachan April 4 2007, 15:15:05 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it.


runningondreams April 3 2007, 00:26:54 UTC
*melts* I love Bennet. And Claude. And Sandra and small Claire. and... yeah you get the idea. This is why I'm writing fics on them xP

I really, really love your take on the whole shooting scene, and what it would do to Bennet. And that last bit was so like the Haitian-perfect. And Bennet's paranoia about what Claude might do (despite the fact that he shot the man three times!) was awesome. *love*


misachan April 4 2007, 15:19:08 UTC
Hee! Thank you so much. I want Claude and Bennet to have just one scene together, just so Claude can say I told you so.


acaciaonnastik April 3 2007, 00:36:20 UTC

This was totally awesome and psychological and real, from the first sentence to the last. Oh, Bennet...


misachan April 4 2007, 15:32:06 UTC
Oh, Bennet. Oh, Claude. Just the both of them. Thank you!


raissad April 3 2007, 01:12:17 UTC
He walks back to Claire's bed and starts to tuck her back in, but then changes his mind, picking her up and settling back in a chair with her in his lap. "You can't have her," he says, and he's not even sure who he's talking to anymore.

"The vivisections were starting to keep me up at night".

"Daddy?" Claire says, yawning. "Are you here to keep the monsters away?"

"That's what Daddies do, Claire Bear." She nuzzles against his chest and soon falls back to sleep, and Bennet holds her as the sun comes up.

This was my favorite part; I could see it happening. I can see some variation of it happening in the present day when they meet again for that matter.


misachan April 4 2007, 15:42:31 UTC
Thank you! I knew that exchange worked the second I put it down. The lead up to it gave me fits, but I was always happy with the way the end of that scene came out.


raissad April 4 2007, 17:50:31 UTC
You're welcome. Did you know there's a Bennet LJ group? Check it out:


kattahj April 3 2007, 04:56:21 UTC
I realy liked this, especially the last scene with the Haitian. It was so touching and in character for both of them.


misachan April 4 2007, 15:44:39 UTC
Thank you! I was worried about whether the end worked at all, so I'm glad you found it in character.:)


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