Award Categories

Apr 07, 2009 08:14

Fanart Awards

Best Miroku/Sango Artwork: Artwork featuring both Miroku and Sango as the main focus; Canon and AU works are both allowed.

Best Portrait of Miroku: Artwork featuring Miroku as the main focus; Canon and AU works are both allowed; must not (romantically) pair Miroku with a character other than Sango.

Best Portrait of Sango: Artwork featuring Sango as the main focus; Canon and AU works are both allowed; must not (romantically) pair Sango with a character other than Miroku.

Fanfiction Awards

Best Drabble: Stories of 100-500 words, focusing on Miroku and Sango. Entries may be Canon or AU, but must be complete.

Best One-Shot: Single-chapter/single-installment stories of 501+ words, focusing on Miroku and Sango. Entries may be Canon or AU, but must be complete.

Best Multi-Chaptered Work: Multi-chaptered stories or WIPs, focusing on Miroku and Sango. Entries may be Canon or AU, and need not be completed.

Best Alternate Universe: Stories which make some fundamental change in setting (such as placing the InuYasha cast into the modern age, or a futuristic setting) or include significantly divergent events from the InuYasha canon. They may be stories of any length, and need not be completed.

Best Canon: Stories which do not contradict the InuYasha canon (anime or manga) in any way. These stories may take place during canon events, or may be continuation stories that continue the spirit of the characters and source material without contradicting anything already included in the canon. They may be stories of any length, and need not be completed.

Best Character Portrayal: Miroku: This category awards fiction with an outstanding, in-character portrayal of Miroku. As the focus of stories nominated to this category is expected to be Miroku, entries may be introspective, single character focused stories, and need not have a Mir/San pairing focus (however, they may not pair Miroku romantically with anyone other than Sango). Entries in this category may be Canon or AU, and need not be completed.

Best Character Portrayal: Sango: This category awards fiction with an outstanding, in-character portrayal of Sango. As the focus of stories nominated to this category is expected to be Sango, entries may be introspective, single character focused stories, and need not have a Mir/San pairing focus (however, they may not pair Sango romantically with anyone other than Miroku). Entries in this category may be Canon or AU, and need not be completed.

Best Comedy: This category awards fiction with an emphasis on humor. May include other genres, but the focus must be on comedy.

Best Darkfic/Angst: This category awards fiction with an emphasis dark themes and/or character turmoil. May include other genres, but the focus must be dark.

Best Drama: This category awards stories with an emphasis on vivid emotions and conflict (drama). May include other genres, but the overall focus should be on the dramatic events.

Best Lemon: This category awards fiction with an outstanding sexual "lemon" scene (which must be specified by the nominator if the work is not PWP and/or contains more than one chapter).

Best Romance: This category awards fiction with an emphasis on the development of the relationship and love between Miroku and Sango. May include other genres, but the focus must be on romance.

Note: Multi-pairing works must focus at least 50% of the story on the development of the Miroku/Sango relationship in order to be nominated, or they will be disqualified.

Hidden Treasure Awards

These awards are for previously un-rewarded stories and artwork that are ineligible due to date restrictions (ie. were posted before January 1, 2010). The only stipulation is that they be from prior to the current period of eligibility and never earned an award from this community (not hard to do, at this point).

Best Fanart: Awards artwork posted before the current nomination period's earliest eligibility date. May be Canon or AU, and feature Miroku, Sango, or both.

Best Fanfiction: Awards fiction posted or last updated before the current nomination period's earliest eligibility date. All lengths and genres are acceptable.


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