Title: Life Skills
Author: landofthekwt
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: Skill (Miroku/Sango Fiction Week #22)
Word Count: 982
Genre: Desperate Housewives
Warning: Mention of sex
Summary: Sango thinks the skills she had and what she has learned in the past 3 years.
Watching Kagome fumble through the first month since she came back made Sango laugh. It brought back all of the horrible memories of the beginning of her life as a new housewife. She could laugh, but not too long ago she had been at the end of her rope.
Her father had trained her to be a slayer from the time that she was old enough to walk. She was the son that he had never had. It was no wonder that Kohaku felt so inadequate. Displaced from his role as heir to his father by his own sister.
The other girls had learned how to cook, how to sew, how to keep house from their mothers. Instead, she was taught how to use the sword, how to make weapons from youkai. While boys and girls were being schooled in reading and writing, she was being taught how to make poisons and the kinds and weaknesses of youkai.
Her father showered her with gifts. Kirara was given to her. They had bonded and became inseparable. He never told her that the nekomata had been with the clan since accompanied Midoriko. Hiraikotsu was given to her. Her father never told her of the strength of the weapon orr the bond between it and her heart. It had been in their family as long as he could remember.
She had gone on missions since she was eleven. By the time she was fifteen she was the best. She undertook solo missions. Kohaku had become her special project. She would mold him in her image. With her help father would be proud of him too. The boy tried so hard to prove himself to his father and his sister.
The death of her father, the loss of Kohaku and the destruction of the demon slayer village had brought her world crashing to the ground. The excellence that she had fought so hard for had become irrelevant overnight. All that remained for her was revenge. The rest of her life was in ruins. If she had not been the best, she could not have carried onto the end.
And then it was gone. Naraku was dead. The Jewel disappeared. Just her and Miroku. All of her goals had been achieved. There was no more need of demon slayers. All her training and all her skills were no longer necessary. Instead, she found herself Miroku’s wife, a position for which she had no training or special skills.
It did help that Kaede was there. She was able to get some instruction in the basic domestic skills which she was lacking. Her cooking skills were nonexistent. Miroku was a guinea pig on whom to practice. In the early days she even burned water. At first Kaede would rescue her to try to make the food tolerable. Gradually, she allowed her to cook on her own. The results were uneven.
Through it all Miroku always had a smile for her. Compliments came so quickly from him that she learned to mistrust them. He seemed willing to eat the burned rice, the spoiled stew, and porridge that resembled pig slop more than anything else. His kind words kept her going when she was at her lowest point.
What she did not know was that Kaede was secretly feeding them all while she was carrying water and chopping firewood. She should have known. Shippou and Inuyasha never seemed to be around when she was cooking. Amazing how they always disappeared just when it was time to eat.
She felt like a complete novice. Even the youngest girls in the village knew more about being a housewife than her. Clothes had always been given to her. Now she had to work her fingers to the bone sewing them. Her mother had always washed the clothes. Now she spent hours at the stream washing clothes, hanging them on the line and folding only to repeat the entire process.
Her days which had been full of demon slaying were now devoted to the care of her husband and their two now three children. It was a full time job, but she would not trade it for the world. She thought that she had been fulfilled being the best taijiya. But now when she looked into the faces of her children, she understood what true happiness was.
Her skills were different now. Hiraikotsu leaned against the wall. Kirara now fought for Kohaku. Her sword, poisons and powders were all laid aside. Instead, she cooked and cleaned, scrubbed and washed. All the while waiting for her man to come. For it was in his eyes that she shined. It was from him that she had learned a true skill which made her marriage complete.
Now that Kagome had returned, she would have to learn everything that Sango had struggled to learn over the past three years. From what she understood, Kagome knew no more about taking care of her family than she had when she married Miroku. Sango would help ease her way by teaching her the skills necessary to survive as a housewife in this era. Kaede might teach the lessons of a miko, but she had never raised a family.
Sango knew that Inuyasha and Kagome were novices when it came to sex just as she had been when she married Miroku. Her wedding gift to them would be to teach Kagome the lessons she had learned about sex from the good monk. These skills had strengthened their marriage through the shared intimacy and had provided her a solace when Miroku was on the road exorcizing demons. The best part about being apart was the sex that they had when he returned.
Sango had not lost anything when she retired as demon slayer. She no longer needed those skills.
Instead, she had found life skills which allowed to her find happiness as an ordinary woman.