Prompt 5: Friendship

Apr 28, 2009 18:38

Title: Jealousy
Author: Griddlebone (eggplantlady)
Genre: Romance, Slight Angst
Word Count: 250
Summary: Sango was, she had to admit, jealous.

Sango watched out of the corner of one eye, even as she feigned indifference. She was acutely aware of the monk's antics as he flirted with the village women…

He had a way with women; with people, really. His personable disposition, genuine smile, and easy laugh drew people, women especially, to him.

She was, she had to admit, jealous. She knew it was foolish. There was no reason for it. Yet there it was.

He was the consummate flirt; she steadfastly refused to allow him to sway her. Small wonder that he sought solace elsewhere.

But when their business was done in any given village, he would leave the women behind, and it was she that he traveled with on his quest. She had no right to be jealous. They were traveling companions, and, she supposed, maybe even friends.

Friends. They were not lovers, not married. There had been no oaths exchanged, just a journey and quest shared between them. She allowed him no claim on her, and in turn had no right to claim him.

It had been simple at first, to be put off by the pervert's mask he wore so often. Now, things were not so straightforward.

And so here she was, sitting alone and moping like a child, angry yet again that the man she had refused to want had broken a vow he'd never made.

We're friends, she thought, struggling against the tightening in her chest. It's not like I thought we could be… more…

#05 - friendship, winner, length - drabble, author: griddlebone

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