(no subject)

Jan 16, 2010 08:15

» Preferences

[ G E N E R A L P E R F E R E N C E S ]

» Male // Male
» Male // Female
» Sub-Dominate (Prefers to be in control from the recieving end.)
» Domniate (When paired with a female)
» VII Canon Mates
» Dissidia Canon Mates
» CR always welcome
» Eighteen Plus Only (Muns and Characters.)

[ T A G G I N G P E R F E R E N C E S ]

» [Action] Threading (Preferred over Third Person)
» Speed - Medium (Ussually expect a tag back within an hour or so when I'm online.)
» Availabilty - Medium (Usually on mostly at night, though that can be flexible.)
» Backtagging - With In Reason (Don't tag some thing from a month ago and expect a tag back. Everything else is totally fine.)
» Langauge - Anything Goes (Be as dirty or as flowery as you like. I doubt you're gonna offend me.)

[ G R E E N L I G H T ]

» Oral Sex - Giving or Recieving
» Vaginal Sex
» Anal Sex - Giving or Recieving
» Foreplay
» Gentle // Rough Sex
» Light Bondage
» Biting // Scratching
» Dirty Talk
» Sexual Teasing
» Light Pain Play
» Spanking Giving or Recieving
» Threesomes - Group Sex With Proper CR
» Internal // External Climaxes - Vaginal, Oral and Anal
» Seduction - Performing and Reciving
» Vanilla Sex
» Positions - Anything That's Not Considered Degrading
» Multiple Rounds
» Multiple Partners - With Advanced CR Only
» Character Relations
» Sexual Partner's Eighteen And Over

[ Notes ] Though these are the basic preferences, there are plenty that can be assumed to apply by default. Character Relations is always welcomed, as is kissing, hugging, heavy sexual touching, flirting, foreplay and things of that nature. I'm not that big on fluff, but if done right with the right CR, it can be done and will be enjoyed. If you're unsure about anything listed, just drop me a PM and we can work it out.

[ Y E L L O W L I G H T ]

» Blindfolding - Recieving (If he's with someone who doesn't mind, then giving would be perfectly fine.)
» Forced Submission (Aka, don't get him weak on aphrodisiacs and then force him into it..)
» Dub-Con (I really doubt it, unless the proper CR has already been established.)
» Fighting (Aka, no getting into a fight with him in order to force him into something.)
» Heavy Bondage - Recieving (If he's with someone who doesn't mind, he could be convinced to go for it.)
» Genderbending - Partners (If someone he has long term CR with is genderbent, it might happen.)
» Being Genderbent (Again, it might happen.)
» Doubles - Himself (He could be convinced to have sex with a double of his, but I doubt it.)
» Doubles - Others (Again, he could be convinced to have sex with say, two Tifa's at a time, but I doubt it.)

[ Notes ] Most of the things on this list can happen, with the right CR and the right situation, but it would have to be discussed first. If you're interested in doing something like this with him, again, just drop me a PM and I'm pretty sure we can get something worked out.

[ R E D L I G H T ]

» Non-Con - Giving and Recieving (If no consent is given, it means nothing will be happening, sorry.)
» Rape - Performing and Recieving (Not my cup of tea, so totally not happening.)
» Water Sports (Yeah. No. Just no. Not ever happening, sorry.)
» Excessive Blood Play
» Anthro // Fury
» Guro
» Vore
» Death (I'm not big on killing him anyway.)
» Risk of Pregnancy - Female
» Risk of Pregnancy - Male
» Pregnancy - Female
» Pregnancy - Male

[ F I N A L N O T E S ]

If you want to do something that's not on any of these list, drop me a PM. Any questions // concerns // curiousities // plotting you may have or want to do? Send a PM my way and I'll do my best to get back to you!

!preferences, !out of character, !the love hotel

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