Mystogan x EdoErza fanfiction

Dec 06, 2010 10:48

Fandom: Fairy Tail
Pairing: Mystogan x EdoErza
Challenge: 50_sentence challenge - Delta set
Rating: T
A/N: The numbers of the prompts are deliberately moved around. Because as I was writing I realized it all took place within one possible universe, so now it reads in a roughly chronological order. This follows canon and extrapolates on it. Might be ( Read more... )

fairy tail, my fics, fanfiction, crack pairing

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Comments 6

anonymous December 6 2010, 10:44:12 UTC
So, so pretty *__*


mirime_vy December 6 2010, 12:08:10 UTC
thanks ^_^


sweety8587 December 6 2010, 10:45:28 UTC
yet again, that was love. So many of these had me smiling - calling him a pretty boy especially. the thought of Jellal's indignant face just may amuse me for a week as well XDDD very cute <3


mirime_vy December 6 2010, 12:10:38 UTC
thanks... I had fun thinking up some of them... Pretty was at first supposed to be something along the lines of "She's not pretty, she's beautiful" but that's terribly cliched so I decided to work out something else... good thing, probably...


biberelle December 6 2010, 14:41:57 UTC
Ooh, I love this! My favorites are Pretty, Welcome, Light, Dark, Old, and Apples, but I like the whole thing. It flows really nicely :-D (And now I totally ship them.)


mirime_vy December 6 2010, 15:17:23 UTC
thanks :D Pretty seems really popular XD Anyway, thanks for the reply... (oh yes, you are one of us now ;))


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