Fic Meme

Nov 25, 2010 10:52

I was tagged by blackette or morenoodles as she is known now :D

01. Which is your favorite fic?

Hmm, probably I Will Be Watching You. I love making up the possible interaction between Mystogan and EdoErza.

02. Which is your best-received fic?

Definitely The Best Ship Is... Partnership?. It is an oneshot and it has 68 faves and 31 reviews on

03. Which is your worst-received fic?

If I take into consideration my old account Kaya Jade, then it was Family Bonds, a SW fic I did as a teenager. Never got further than first chapie and thank God for that. The story's terrible. Under Mirime VY, it is probably Playing With Elements. Granted, the pairing of Sieg Hart/Reina is so obscure I have found only one fanart but still... Fairytale has little recognition, too.

04. Which is your angstiest fic?

Fairytale, I think. Then again, Orochimaru/Tsunade that keeps to canon? Angstfest! And there is my SessRin ficlet It Wasn't Supposed To Be Like This which is rather angsty, too. And I can't forget the Yuffentine mini-trilogy consisting of Letter, Rain and Waking Up that is choke-full of angst. My god, I didn't realize 'til now how much angst I could write.

05. Which is your funniest fic?

Hmm, I still think one of my masterpieces is It Was A Dark And Stormy Night from my 30 nights series. The Best Ship Is... Partnership? comes a close second.

06. Smuttiest?

I wrote several Tseng/Elena fics for 30 lemons :D Nuff said...

07. Fluffiest?

The First Kiss D.Gray-Man Kanda/Lenalee fanfic, I think. Or maybe FF VII Yuffentine In Sickness And In Health.

08. Have you ever made someone cry with a fic?

Yup. It Wasn't Supposed To Be Like This has been always described as a tear-jerker. The afore-mentioned Yuffentine mini-trilogy counts as well. My angst makes people cry it seems.

09. Which fic frustrates you the most?

Right now? Magnetism, 'cause I'm stuck on chapter 6 and the words don't want to come...

10. Which fic was the most fun to write?

Chewing Gum, definitely. Half-an-hour of furious typing to get out a random idea...

11. Who is your favorite OC you've ever created?

Hippolyta of Hellas who appears in the prologue to Unleashed (not yet published). Or maybe Patricia Jinzler from my Matter of Survival... Aw, to hell with it. I still have a soft spot for Ami Jaker, my first ever OC from my SW story Glimpse of the Future.

12. Are you better at oneshots or multi-chapters?

Hard to say... I usually get stuck on multi-chaps, but my oneshots tend to get long... really don't know.

13. What character do you think you're the best at portraying?

In general, the characters I like. As long as I care about the character, I can write it convincingly *pats herself on the back*. If it's a romance fic, the pairing must be my favourite as well.

14. What character is the most difficult to portray?

The ones I don't like or don't care about.

15. Tag five other authors!

Sorry guys :P I tag meluska, kenkai_chan, partyinwhite, shadowstar_gzan and phantombones
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