Title: Morning Surprise
Pairing: Changmin/Jaejoong
Genre: Humor
Rating: PG
Idea: Prompt from 30 Days OTP Challenge on Tumblr
Summary: Sometimes the universe wants to play games with people.
A/N: I wrote this short drabble last year and it was exactly what I needed for a certain prompt in this challenge. So summer break has finally started as of today and I really need some R&R and the hot/dry/humid weather isn't making my stress any better. So hopefully I will start writing fics sometime next week. This update was for my month absence because of school.
"Move over, Changmin-ah . . . and why do you have to hog the blanket?" Jaejoong groaned, voice rough with sleep.
"Hyung . . . stop moving . . ." Changmin huffed back, still unaware of what was about to happen.
"Jaejoong-hyung . . . I'm hungry!" a shout sounded from the hall.
"Mhmm . . ." Jaejoong didn't feel like getting out of bed just yet.
"Hyung!" the door opened and a weight was on the bed.
"Get off, you duckbutt . . ." Changmin hissed. Junsu sneered, totally missing the fact that Changmin hair was mid-back now.
"Hyung . . . Hungry right now . . ." Junsu shook Jaejoong's exposed arm and pushed the other onto his back and he gasped in alarm.
"What now, Junsu-yah?" Jaejoong groaned, feeling cold wind against his heated chest.
"Yah! Is this a joke?!" Junsu cried. Jaejoong opened his eyes with a glare,
"You guys already know that Changmin and I are together, so stop freaking out."
"You . . . Why do you have breasts on your chest!"
"Breasts? What have you been drinking . . . Holy Sh--" Changmin shouted. He had meant to turn and scold Junsu but something else had caught his eyes and he was sure that they were supposed to be on women and not men . . . Especially not pretty men . . .
"Not you too, Changmin . . . What the f---" Jaejoong pointed at Changmin's chest. They both looked down at their own chests, eyes wide open and mouth agape.
"This must be a dream . . . right?" Junsu winced when both Jaejoong and Changmin sent a glare his way.
"As much as I love watching porn, I wouldn't want to wake up to these every morning," Changmin mumbled, taking a hold of the soft, round, tender flesh that had attached itself onto his chest. Jaejoong slapped the maknae's hands,
"Don't touch them! Have you no shame?!"
"They're mine, hyung . . . I can touch them if I want to . . ."
"Hungry . . ." Junsu said, trying to disregard that two of his band members have breasts now.
"This is more important than your stomach," Jaejoong growled.
"I'm hungry too," Changmin said in a higher pitch of voice.
"You . . . You better tell me what you did to me last night," Jaejoong scolded and got out of bed. Junsu quickly shielded his eyes with a squeak. Jaejoong looked down and let out a strangled gasp. Changmin blanched,
"Don't tell me . . ."
The rest of the day, both Changmin and Jaejoong refused to unlock the door until their bodies were back to normal, which didn't happen until three months later.