Title: Empty Places
Rating: PG, for non-violent grossness
Pairings: Gen
Prompt: Sherlock100, 005. "Outsides"
He has put up with eyeballs. He has ignored the toes in the crisper drawer. Hell, he even came back after finding the head (and nothing in a man’s fridge should ever stare back at him). In fact, he is nearly convinced that Sherlock’s experiments can no longer shock him.
Until the day Sherlock comes into the kitchen, where John is unobtrusively drinking his tea, and removes a neat object from the deli drawer. It is not until he begins to unfold it onto the table that John realizes it is a complete human skin. Without the body.
The row that follows is epic. Mrs. Hudson flees to Mrs. Turner’s, Sherlock makes excuses about an experiment involving changes in melanin after death and saving space in the refrigerator, John threatens to call Mycroft, Lestrade, and finally, with a roar, bloody Moriarty and his bombs if it will ensure there are no more outsides in his fridge.
Sherlock’s face goes cold and hard, and he is sweeping out through the sitting room before John can apologize.
When John wakes the next morning, the skin is gone, and Sherlock’s door is locked. They do not speak for three days.
Then the pink phone rings.
Second half is
The Ghost in the Shell.
This is the first piece of fanfiction I have ever published, and I think--though I have a stack of stuff I've been working on--that it's the first piece I ever wrote.
Feedback is much beloved. Especially since I've got no beta and am flying by the seat of my pants here.