eccleston binge (and isn't that odd phrasing)

Aug 19, 2008 17:48

Have been binging on everything Christopher Eccleston's been in lately!! We were sorely shorted when he opted to play Nine for only one series of Who so I've been researching what made him such an "unlikely... but the right choice" for the character (according to Julie Gardener and Russel T Davies).

So far...

Crackers -- B+/A-
I didn't care for the main character in this. I was mostly watching it for Eccleston and then later for Penhaligan, the female police officer. I found the cases intriguing, as well as the main characters interactions with the case. The foil to all of that was his horrible personal life, and I found all of that a bit of a bore.

Revenger's Tragedy -- A+
I liked the movie by itself, although I'm not sure I ever would have picked it up if it hadn't been for my vested interest in seeing it.

As it was, I loved the costumes, the music, the look and feel of the movie, the other actors in it, and especially Eccleston. He was a bit mesmerizing with his performance.

Shallow Grave -- B or C
A very shaggy haired Ewan McGregor starred in this. It was... interesting. I have issue with movies that have characters with few redeeming qualities. The uglier side of humanity is ugly for a reason. I thought it was interesting to watch once, but I don't think I'd watch it again.

Our Friends in the North -- Still watching.
So far, I'm really enjoying it.

Heroes -- Heh
I started watching this before I watched Doctor Who. I remember his character and liked his performance. I watched his scenes recently and found him to be exactly as I remembered, only a lot more amusing because I kept seeing Nine instead of Claude.

Still on the list: Othello, The Second Coming, Elizabeth

christopher eccleston, doctor who

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