fandom shipping meme

Aug 07, 2008 13:38

Snagged from isiscaughey1. List your top seven character ships ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

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mirageofmae August 8 2008, 03:14:56 UTC
:::sigh::: oh Passion No kidding. Whedon knows how to pack a whump. Becoming usually breaks my heart whenever I watch it. The moment where Buffy realizes that all she needs is herself to defeat her enemy-- powerful.

S2 rocks. It has the most of my favorite episodes. I like Buffy all the way to S7, which I wish had been ten episodes instead of the 20+ they ended up doing. But I will watch the last five just for Fillion as Caleb anyday.

I have no Buffy icon, sadly. So I will use my Firefly icon in Whedon solidarity.


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mirageofmae August 8 2008, 05:10:10 UTC
I watched S7 when it was already on DVD and so by marathoning it, I was in the perfect spot to realize how much time they spent on pure exposition! I feel like it could have been better if it was a shorter season just to cut down on that factor. I love that moment in Chosen too, also where Willow touches something beyond herself and doesn't turn evil for it (one of my least favorite story lines on Buffy was magic-as-drugs-to-evilness.) I loved the First Evil as a psychological terror, both in its relation to Buffy and to Spike. Those were the more interesting themes. But yes, there was a lot less character-driven moments than usual ( ... )


leetje August 8 2008, 16:44:58 UTC
Oh great meme, thanks for tagging. Shall have some fun going down memory lane with this one!

I've never seen Pushing Daisies, what's it about?

Only just getting into Farscape, but John/Aeryn has already pulled me in hard and fast.

Buffy/Angel. Le sigh.


mirageofmae August 8 2008, 17:28:47 UTC
Oh Pushing Daisies!!! =) So happy you asked. It's got the weirdest story summary I've heard in awhile for a TV show ( ... )


leetje August 8 2008, 18:39:20 UTC
Sounds interesting. I did like Dead Like Me for a while. Might just download the first season :)

I've just started on Farscape S2, last episode I saw was Crackers Don't Matter which was absolutely lol-tastic!


mirageofmae August 8 2008, 19:17:16 UTC
Hehehe, Crackers Don't Matter. That episode is so cracked out.

S2 is sooo good, especially in the J/A department. Lots of development there. =)

Re: Pushing Daisies: Let me know what you think when you do see it! I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.


eclectic_imp August 8 2008, 19:43:39 UTC
Jeepers you tagged me! LOL Sorry I didn't notice this at first...I was playing the Sims yesterday during computer time. :)

I may have to check out Pushing Daisies, going by your description...I think I'd like it! And I have to agree about John and Teyla. (They're a close second to the ship on my list.) I'm not sure I'd want it to go there on screen as I love the dynamic of the team just as it is. It's fun to commiserate in the background though. >:)


mirageofmae August 8 2008, 23:09:58 UTC
My love for Pushing Daisies knows no bounds. Glad to hear it piqued your interest. Let me know what you think!

I totally agree, I love the team dynamic. And I completely think that's what fandom is for-- to enjoy the characters beyond the boundaries of the show itself.

Yes! I tagged all my new DW-fandom friends. I thought it would be a nice way to get to know you all. =)


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