Imperium in Imperio 6

Sep 06, 2010 10:17

A/N:  This chapter alludes to "The Core," which I have taken some creative license with.

Picture of Maverick and Night Stalker by pl2363:  Go here.

Thank you to everyone for the reviews!   Also, thank you to everyone who reviewed "Firsts: Optimus and Prowl."

Very mild kink warning.

Chapter 6: Manu Militari
or With a Military Hand

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sunstreaker, prowl, transformers, optimus prime, imperium in imperio, jazz, fanfic, g1, sideswipe

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Comments 10

wicked3659 September 6 2010, 15:47:41 UTC
Omg omgomgomg!! *flails* this was so intense!

I really felt for Optimus and Jazz in this, Prowl really has inadvertantly made a mess of things. I hope the encrypted files contain the information and proof he needs, otherwise this is going to get messy!

He is a twin isn't oooor noooo I reckon he was bonded, and his bond was severed somehow in their experiments perhaps... or something I dont know! That wouldn't explain his feelings for both Jazz and Prime. *flops*

I cant wait for more, I'm on the edge of my seat this is just an amazingly well told story. *stalks*


mirage_shinkiro September 11 2010, 16:03:23 UTC
Yay! Thank you! *HUGS* Yeah, Prowl's landed himself in a huge mess, and now Optimus and Jazz are really hurting. ^^;

Chapter 7 will definitely clear up one of the mysteries. ;) It's with both betas right now. :)


wicked3659 September 11 2010, 16:06:08 UTC
*excited glee* ^__^ can't wait!


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mirage_shinkiro September 11 2010, 16:03:36 UTC
Thank you! :D *HUGS*


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mirage_shinkiro September 11 2010, 16:05:06 UTC
Yeah, Prowl's having a super tough time. ^^; And I thought it was only fair to team up Prowl and Jazz and let them get to work with their skillz. ;) But if Bee hadn't commed when he did, an even bigger mess would have formed!

Thank you! :D


surrealism September 6 2010, 19:29:53 UTC
While deep down I'm gunning for an eventual threesome. At the moment, I think Prowl needs to drop kick Jazz and Optimus off of a cliff.

Theories, since I've noticed you get a kick out of them: Prowl was once Maverick and upon his brother's death took on a name and mannerisms similar to Night Stalker in his honor.

The intention of Project Bond was actually what they set out to do, but in actuality what happened was that it was breaking bonds and killing the subjects. But a result is still a result even if it wasn't what you set out to do, so the experiment went on without a care to what was really going on, because SCIENCE!

Although, a couple of Prowl's comments in this chapter make me wonder if what happened was more than a broken bond and dead twin. Whether it's a side affect of the experiment or some form of survivor's guilt, or a combination of the two, I really couldn't say.

I'm really looking forward to next week's installment (and the next, and forever more) and I absolutely adore the slow piece by piece reveal.

ETA: I ( ... )


mirage_shinkiro September 11 2010, 16:07:38 UTC
LOL! Yeah, Prowl's not having a good day. ^^;

Ooooh, I really like your theories. *does indeed get a big kick out of them* It's okay that you repeated Power Run. You kinda have to weave in what he says in order to launch a full theory. :) Chapter 7 will definitely reveal a few of those pieces, so you'll know soon if you're right!

Thank you! :D


blackwolf111996 September 7 2010, 01:31:21 UTC
Sweet chapter.
*crys for Prowl* that was a sad ending, but it gave it more tention so thats a pluss!


mirage_shinkiro September 11 2010, 16:07:55 UTC
Thank you! :D Yeah, poor Prow. :(


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