Title: Kyuhyun and the Seven Elves
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin
Rating: Pg-13
Genre: Crack and questionable romance
Summary: You know it's going to be crack when Kyuhyun's a Princess. A Snow White parody.
“Ohmygod, I am not a fucking (Eeteuk gasped and covered Henry’s ears) girl!” Kyuhyun shouted, for the third time that day, with a roll of his eyes and a sigh of exasperation. )
Comments 64
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XDD i was worried that the poisoned USB wasn't creative enuff. Glad u thought so >w<
School can be a bummer :/
THanks for reading!!!! ^_^~~
This waso so funny : Kyu as the princess, Chul as the queen(with her servants ; Won and Geng), The Elves and Min the Prince xDDD
So funny, I smiled during the whole time.. =DDDD
BUT SERIOUSLY THIS THING KILLED ME! Kyu keep on saying he is not a girl but nobody listen to him poor bby~^^;;;;
Strangely, the most idiot(Mimi) find out he's a boy...finally. it was about time...x]
DAMN, SUNGMIN LOOKS LIKE THE ANNOYING too-perfect-&handsome prince OF THE STORY, ACTING LIKE A DRAMAPRINCE(yea, becuz the Dramaqueen is none other than ; Queen Heechul) X'''DDDDD
Again ; this was the BEST one-shot EVER !<333
Yeah poor kyu bb <333
XDDDD ironic since Mimi's based on Dopey XDDD
Sungmin is awesome <33 XDD dramaprince and dramaqueen
THANKS sooo much!! ^_^~~
I <3 you n tis...
Thanks sooo much for reading!!
i'm sitting here in the library, supposedly "studying" but found this and trying not to laugh out loud in the library! haha!
other than the lol moments in this, i loved how they all accepted Kyu and he in turn loved them back. so cute!! their dwarf personalities were just like their real selves but smaller. hehe! :D
ehehe I do that too...'studying' I mean XDD
haha thanks so much for reading ^_^~
and mai opinion?
cuz me luvs him <3
thats true
!!!!! 0__O!!!
which is hawt but...kyuhyun does not. but personality wise kyuhyun tops. id say. XDDD thanks for reading XDD
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