(no subject)

Feb 01, 2011 16:52

ahhh mah gawd gaaaaaaaiz my life's becoming so much better lately

ok, so there's the job and the relationship and all that deal but apparently the "higher-ups" AREN'T FINISHED IN PAYING ME BACK FOR THE PAST BULLSHIT IN MY LIFE YET.

so recently my dad had a talk with my sister's boyfriend's (soon i'll probs be calling him bro-in-law) mom, and she's willing to sell some land to my dad. note that he's not exactly been legalized into the states and is still waiting for the government to do so, and we've been living off of rented places for pretty much ever since i was born. hearing this kind of news is, how gabriel iglesias had put it in one of his acts, like my dad had received a gift from god. i mean, guys, we're gonna have our own land, and said land just needs a couple more small payments. after it's all been paid off, it is ours by contract.

and we're gonna have our own place too, and my sis is gonna be living with her boyfran. which means after 18 years of living in the same room with someone (mainly my sister), I'LL FINALLY HAVE MY OWN ROOM. TO DECORATE HOWEVER I PLEASE. /SCREAM

also also, my parents finally decided to push me into completing the FAFSA and invited some peeps over to help me with enrollment into college and stuff (since i took the lazy route and decided to take a break for a year ha ha derp). so i was like, "ok whatever," and applied for the animation program of the first college i thought of, which was westwood college (not gonna go to scad, that place scares me a little ;_;). so i didn't even completely finish with the application, i was on the last step...

a representative called me and helped me through the last step. so i was all, "dude that was fast" and then we had an interview and he emailed me this "letter of intent" thing that he wanted me to fill out and send back before the day was over.

I CONQUERED THAT BITCH AND TOOK NAMES. thankyouformakingmegrammaticallycorrectljrp

so he was all, "ok looks good, i'm gonna set you up so that you can talk to the directer of admissions on saturday," and i was all, "LOL UH OKAY 8D;;". so the guy called and i had to go through another interview. you see guys, i wanted to go in august so that i had enough time to fill out my FAFSA, take the entrance exam, and hopefully take the SAT.

the director apparently wants me to start ASAP (because he saw how ambitious i was about pursuing my career or something), in the upcoming spring term, and he's gonna work the system so that i can get the enrollment and my FAFSA done before then. guys, if everything goes well and i get accepted, i'll be attending college in two months. i'm not sure if this is supposed to make me feel special, but after being told by the system that "you can't do it, you'll never succeed, you'll never win" i gotta say that this is a good old-fashioned "IN YO FACE, FUCKERS".

college exam's happening this saturday. all i gotta do is beg convince my manager to switch around my days off and i'll be set. WISH ME LUCK GUYS, CUZ I CAN SEE THE FINISH LINE.
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