Layout #024: Dreamy Worlds

Mar 25, 2011 12:53

Style: S2 Smooth Sailing
Account type: all types
Screen Resolution: 1024+
Entries: stretch
Browsers: Mozilla, Chrome, Safari, Opera
Comments in journal's style: yes
Controlstrip: disabled
Sidebar: enabled
Title & Subtitle: both

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style: smooth sailing, maker: ruthenia_alba

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Comments 110

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ruthenia_alba March 25 2011, 11:45:27 UTC
thank you!


iceybreath March 25 2011, 11:50:00 UTC
This is a really pretty layout. Adding to memories!


zorak_40 March 25 2011, 12:28:03 UTC
Hi. Yours layout is very nice, I tested to see how it was. I'm curious about the use of codes. :)
I'm not used to use dark colors, as I am nearsighted and have trouble with dark colors. But even so the layout is beuatiful. I love the themes of nature.
Thank you. :)


ruthenia_alba March 25 2011, 12:34:05 UTC
Yes it's rather dark, but I hope the font is rather visible.


childinthegrave March 25 2011, 13:14:06 UTC
you consistently take my breath away with your layouts. absolutely amazing! using, will credit!


ruthenia_alba March 25 2011, 13:26:36 UTC
You're welcome!


desdemona_80 March 25 2011, 13:32:04 UTC
It's so beautiful! The header seems take from a dream and I love green.
Plus, being dark, it's better for my eyes.
Using with credit of course, thank you very much ^__^


ruthenia_alba March 25 2011, 13:33:38 UTC
Okay, enjoy!


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