Style: S2 Flexible Squares Best view: 800x600 and up Browsers Tested On: IE, Firefox, Opera Custom Comment Page: yes Navbar: Yes Ads: Yes (horizontal and between entries) Website link: not needed
This is my first time doing a flexible squares layout for public use :) Plus, apart from the Reboot, I've pretty much been playing around with the FreeLayouts weekly Challenges. So, this is my second big layout I'm posting.
Might do a dark version (black entries and userpics) in future.
This is absolutely amazing! I love the way the layout is set out! I'm definately using! I may change the header (I hope that's ok) but I will definitely credit for the code.
You can make any changes you want as long as you credit for the base code ^___^ Glad you like it! I was aiming for something different from the I'm kind of a slut for centralized layouts.
I thought of the usericons on the left while doing my Reboot layout - however, that design wouldn't work with it (I needed Flexible Squares) so this was the result XD
On lj we have two problems with userpics: a) they identify the poster on friends' pages so we need them b) yet they get in the way of text
Comments 35
Snagging, will credit. Thank you :D
This is my first time doing a flexible squares layout for public use :) Plus, apart from the Reboot, I've pretty much been playing around with the FreeLayouts weekly Challenges. So, this is my second big layout I'm posting.
Might do a dark version (black entries and userpics) in future.
A dark version would be beyond awesome. :D
I feel stupid saying this..but when I click on 'background tile image'nothing comes up.. *shrug*
I've mem'd for the future, I might use it for my icon journal.
It's honestly quite breathtaking.
I may do a black version (black entries and icons) specifically for icon journals in the future...
I can't wait for your next layout!
Thank you~! *mems*
Thanks again. ^_^♥
On lj we have two problems with userpics:
a) they identify the poster on friends' pages so we need them
b) yet they get in the way of text
This was my solution!
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