Flexible squares layout: So Intense

Aug 23, 2010 19:55

img // live

-S2 Flexible Squares
-Accounts: Basic, Plus & Paid
-Looks good in firefox, not sure about others.

So Intense.
[flexible squares]
- By: Hyuknice@LJ.com /Ddalgimonkeys@LJ.com]

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/* FOOTER */

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/* MISC */

h2 {
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.headerimage {position: relative;
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margin-bottom: 0px; }

Ok, I admit it, this is a recycled-ish version of "forever blue", but we're all about recycling nowadays aren't we? :D

*Have a question? go here
* F.A.Q
*You may edit but credit would be nice
*Hotlink is a no-no, upload the header to your own server (if using it)
*Comment if taking please. Feedback is very much appreciated.
*Go to ddalgimonkeys  for more stuff

style: flexible squares

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