Field Day

Jul 21, 2009 21:01

Results of boredom. First time posting here. (:

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Style: S2 Flexible Squares
Account: Basic, Plus, & Paid
Browser: IE, Firefox
Extra: Tiny icons by orizuru

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% Set your style to Flexible Squares.
% Copy the code and paste them here; select "no" for all dropdowns.
% Save.


Adding/Removing a Header
% Find the line #header {height:150px; background: url(IMAGE);} (the first line).
% Change the URL to your own header, adjust the height if necessary.
% Delete the whole line if you don't want a header.

Adding/Removing a Blurb/Userpic
% Go to your sidebars setting.
% Set Show default user picture to yes.
% Set Show blurb/free text to yes. Enter blurb title and text.

I think that's about it.

Comments are nice. Feel free to ask questions.
Credit orizuru, but not required.

Enjoy! (:

style: flexible squares

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