Finding lost time: Chapter 4.

Aug 24, 2010 23:51

Title: Finding lost time (ver. 2)
Part: 5/?
Pairing/ Characters: Kyumin, Kyuseo?, EunMin, DBSK, YooSu, Seohyun
Disclaimer: Fantasy: I own them all~~ Reality: Sucks....

Chapter four:

“This way please.”

“Ah is this the boy? He really is pretty.”

“Why don’t you say hi to your new mommy?”


“Don’t tell me he can’t speak! For what did you took hi-”

“Don’t worry, he’s just a little bit shy, since he always was quite quiet, he just has to get used to his new home. He’s only just 5 years old.”

“I don’t care about that. You! You better should show something fast. I don’t need a boy with good looks but without any talent! Don’t cry you. I have to work so hurry up to your room!”


“please follow me.”


Sungmin POV

Why can’t school just end here. I looked to the sky. The sky sure looks kind.

How unfair, Changmin doesn’t have to go to school today. I’m really jealous of him… He must be sleeping right now… I want to sleep too :’( Should I jus-

“KJAAAAAAAAH!” I looked to the ground to see what was going on.

¨YUNHO-SHII” “YOOCHUN OPPA!” ”JAEJOONG-SUNBAE!” you could hear different names coming from the girls. Everyone yelled out their favorites members name.

Why did I come to a school like this. Or rather why did they come to a school like this! Before, when the Lee’s weren’t in their groups yet, they were already popular in the school but now that they are in groups it’s being crazy here. I WANT TO GO BACK TO THE OLD TIMES!

“Sung-Min-Nii~!” Someone suddenly jumped behind me. At first I tough it was Donghae. I looked behind me and I saw Kyuhyun! There was only a centimeter space between our faces. That´s a bt overdone, but still... We both blushed and he suddenly jumped back.

“S-s-s-sung-” he stuttered but then Eunhyuk interrupted.

“Don’t come so close to her stupid!” He said with a annoyed face. Why did he say that. My face became red again. Yesterday! Did he forget about it? I hope so.

“What are you saying! I was just greeting him, what’s the big deal.” He said while he blushed a little bit, ”Don’t tell me you-!” He asked surprised but Eunhyuk hit him.

“Of course not you stupid pig!” He replied with a loud voice. What are they talking about? But it looks kinda funny. Kyuhyun is half-crying again so I walked to him. “He didn’t mean it like that but…” I said to him. I just couldn’t hold back my laugh.

“What happened outside? There are so many girls.” Eunhyuk suddenly asked.

“Ah, three Dbsk members came. Are those idiots still standing outside?” I said. What an idiots. They should go inside already. Those guys aren’t going to leave yet.

“Which members?” He asked me with a face full of hope.

“Uhmm… Jaejoong… Yunho… and Yoochun-shii, I think” I replied. “At least I heard them scream that.”

“Really?! Hyung is here?!” There was suddenly a big smile on his face. “Sorry, I’m going! Byebye!” He said and ran away. How cute! So I was right, they are brothers.

“Sungmin…” Kai said with a worried face. “Do you…” I saw on his face that he didn’t want to finish the sentence… “like Eunhyuk?” He asked and looked down. He didn’t want to show his face to me.

“Iike? Of course I do, he’s really nice, why?” I answered. “Really…” he said. His expression was really sad. What’s wrong with him. He just walked away and I ran after him.

“Kai-chan?” I asked. Why is he so sad? I grabbed his arm lightly, “Is there something wrong?”

“Not at all…” He said annoyed and pushed my hand away. I just stood still and watched his back as he was leaving. Jeez what’s with him. I really don’t get him. But why does it hurt so much when he’s like that. Right now I `really feel like crying. Stupid Kyuhyun. I rubbed my eyes.

Eunhyuk POV

I ran through the school. I didn’t saw hyung for so long! I only saw him ones during work so I couldn’t really talk to him. Chul is filming his program. I hope he’ll return soon. But where is Yunho? Did he already leave?

When I looked around my classroom I suddenly saw Yunho-hyung.

“-Hyung! I was looking everywhere for you!” I ran happily toward him. Although I’m just one year younger, I seem more like an 5 years old kid around my brothers… I stood in front of him. “What are you guys doing here? Why didn’t you say you were coming?” I asked him.

He smiled at me and poked me on my head. “I was looking for you as well. Are you okay?” He said. We began to walk to a place where we could talk.

“I need your help” Hyung said to me while we walked forward. “Jonghyun is sick and we got a very important concert. Are you busy?” He asked.

“Sorry, I have work every day after school.” I said him with a disappointed look. “I really wanna perform with hyung.” I wish I could help- “I know someone!” I yelled!

Sungmin POV

It’s already been 2 days since Kyuhyun ignored me… I really feel sad when he’s not around. I really don’t get him! What is he thinking! Leaving me like this. Is he stupid! I even cried 2 nights for him! That stupid foolish-

“Thank you, Kyu!” A girl said to Kyuhyun and he smiled a super cute smile back. Who is she? I don’t know her.

“Don’t worry, It’s alright. What are you going to do after this?” He asked her. She really is cute. Does he… like her… It felt like my heart was going to fall apart. It really hurt.

“Nothing, it’s my last job. Why? ” She asked while blushing a bit.

“Let’s go eat lunch together.” He said to her with another cute smile. He really likes her. He never told me about that? Why didn’t he… He never mentioned a girl other than his sister and niece.

“Yes, sure. Why don’t we go do something after school too?” She asked. She really looks happy. So she likes him too. So that’s why he’s ignoring me. He doesn’t need me anymore since he got her. That bastard! I have feeling too! The tears overflowed. There I was, sitting in a corner, crying about my first love, that ended before it even started…

I walked to the music room. I wanted to sing my feelings out. It hurts so much. I can’t stand it when he’s like that with girls. I opened the door and took my music notebook. Then I walked to the piano and began to play a intro and wrote the notes up in my notebook. After some time I almost finished the song. I never wrote a song so fast. A looked at the paper. It was full with tears. I tried to sing the song. It began with an 30 instrumental/piano intro I looked at my notebook and began to sing:

*this song*

“Why didn’t… you tell me…
that there was someone else…. by your side...
Even though… it hurts me so much…,
that I feel like I’d want to die~

I began the song a little slowly…

I was the one being in the way,
standing between you and her…
Honestly~, I think I did the right thing,
Letting you go,
But it’s still hurting deep inside~

I don’t wanna love again~
Baby, I don’t wanna love again,
I don’t want to find myself ones more like this
I don’t wanna love again~
Baby I know, I’m being too selfish,
liking someone like you~ Yeah~

The last words I want to say to you,
always come out differently than I plan.
You were~ my everything to me,
but your cruelty devastated me. ”

“I was a fool~ for not leaving before~ Yeaah~,
I’ll erase~ all of our memories~ Yeahah~
All at ooonnnnceeee~”

The tears kept overflowing when I began to sing again:

“I don’t wanna love again,
Ohh~ I don’t wanna love again!~
I don’t~ I don’t~ I don’t~ Baby!
Oh I don’t wanna love again~
Without having you, never agaaaaain~”

The tears just kept running and I couldn’t stop it. I leaned on the piano and kept crying out loud. I don’t give a damn if someone saw me like this. I just wanna cry my whole heart out!

Suddenly I felt a arm on my shoulder. I couldn’t see who it was at first. Because of my tears everything became blurry.

“Don’t worry” Then I realized that the one who was holding my shoulder was Eunhyuk. He suddenly began to sing with a soft voice and a little smile while he was wiping away my tears,

“It’s okay to cry at times when you feel like crying, no need to strain yourself…” He really is nice. Then I realized that there was someone else coming toward us. He stood behind the bending Eunhyuk. And they both began to sing:

“If your tears run dry, try to smile”

He gave the same smile yet a totally difrent smile, as Eunhyuk. The same soft and cute smile. When I saw it I just had to smile to. Then the (for now) unknown boy began to sing alone:

“See? You’re already smiling.” He sang and I began to giggle. Then I realized that it was Dbsk’s Yunho! I only recognized his voice!

“Don’t worry everything is going to be alright.” Eunhyuk said to me and grapped a handkerchief and whiped my face clean. Why is he doing that? “Oh by the way, this is my brother Yunho, he is one year older than me. And…” he said.

“I heard you singing just now.” He said very enthusiastic, “You have an amazing voice and I wanted to ask you if you may could help me and the other members of Dbsk” he said to me. What does he mean.

“Sure, I’ll help you!” I said “since you helped me when I really needed it.” I really own those two something.

“Can you please substitute one of our members?!” he said. I smiled a happy smile and nodded until I realized what his favor was.

“WHAT! I CAN’T DO THAT!” I yelled. What are they saying! Are they crazy~! How can I do that.

“It’s just for a couple performance. It’s really important for us.” He asked. No matter how much he would beg, I just can- But maybe it’s good to think about other things.

“Araso, Araso!” I said with a smile, “I’ll do it!”

Since then we really became close. We were going to meet after school. I’m going to meet the other Dbsk members and Eunhyuk is coming too. If only Ka would come too…

*After school*

We went to a shop and bought some milkshakes and donuts and other yummy stuff. We really had fun. When the other members came it was even funnier. Masaki was the funniest among them all. Especially when he began to speak English. It was so stupid yet funny! The other member told me that he’s the worst at English. He always try to speak it but everyone always end up laughing him out!

The other one, Yoochun, was really funny too. He lived for a couple of years in America. He speaks even better English than me. I heard he has a cute little brother. I really wanna meet him. I don’t know pretty much about the other members yet but I hope I will learn about them more. Then Jaejoong suddenly said something strange.

“You know Chunnie…” I just stared at Jaejoong when he said that, “ They call us soulmate couple! Isn't that strange?”

“But why are we soulmates?” Yoochun asked him. I was wondering the same.

“We are called soul mates because… I don't know... ” jaejoong said but didn’t know what to say.

“We’re roomies,” Yoochun said and laughed.

“yes, first is… As far as I know we are called soulmates because ever since we lived together we always shared the same room… ” he said really serious.

“Yes we have…” he replied serious and leaned on his hand, wth his chin. “Then we are roommates! Why didn’t they just call us like that from the start!” And he started to laugh so much. And the others too. Just like me. Then when he calmed down, Jaejoong asked us, “Why are roomies soul mates?”

“I really don’t know, maybe… ” I replied him. “Sorry, I have no idea.”

“You know, Sungmin. When we say something like this to the staff, they just give a response, like: ehh. but no one really cares about us. You’re the first one who really seriously answered the question. ” Yoochun said to me.

“No one says something or even look our way.” Jaejoong said with a surprised face, ”They don’t even pay attention to us.”

“Yeah, but maybe we are called soul mates because we are the only ones among Dbsk who has the same bloodtype” Yoochun said to Jaejoong really serious. Are they still talking about that. Hahaha. If it’s about bloodtype then they have millions of soulmates.

“Yes, and we are about the same size. Very similar” Jaejoong responded really serious.

“And our beds, blankets and pillows are the same size too” Keita said again with his serious expression. “And our chair and desk…” AHAHHAHA WHAT THE HELL! AND THEY’RE SERIOUS ABOUT IT TOO! I THOUGHT KYUHYUN WAS AN IDIOT BUT THIS IS EVEN WORSE~!

Then we began to talk about Junsu and Keita. They’re the closest among the group. At first they were the closest as friends, but I heard they`re dating since awhile.

“Junsu is really mean~ You know what he said on a show last time, Minnie” Yoochun said, “They asked him, What do you think about Yoochun? And he replied: We only met for the business.” When he said that, I just couldn’t hold back my laugh. Those two are a couple who show their love for each other by joking around and making a fool of each other.

“You know, last time he asked me: Do you want to eat some sushi after the show?” Yoochun told me, “Then I replied: Yes let’s go. I really want to eat sushi.” Then Junsu began to laugh trough the story and Yoochun continued, “Then he said to me: What’s the matter with you? Why should I eat with you.” HAHHAHA They’re really a funny couple. “He’s really mean to me Minnie.” He then said.

“What are you talking about!” Junsu said. “Chunnie’s the mean one! The other day at the show where the two of us attended, they asked us the other ones weakness and strength” he was really into his story, it was so cute. “Then Yoochun answered: Junsu’s strength… I’m really having a difficult time right now, trying to say something nice about Masaki… Then they asked: What about his weakness. Then he replied immediately : He’s ugly!”

We laughed all loud out. It was really funny. Until I saw that Kyuhyun and that unknown girl were here too. My smile disappeared immediately. She was clinging on his arm. It really made me jealous.

“Kyu!” Takeda called him and he came to us.

“Hello…” he walked a bit pissed to us. “This is Chiya” he said and wanted to leave immediately.

“Ah I’m Lee Hyukjae” he said “Nice to meet you and this are Yunho, Junsu, Yochun, Jaejoong, Jonghyun and Sungmin”

She smiled and said “Nice to meet you all.”

Kyuhyun looked at me and turned his head away again. That idiot.

“Sungmin, can you please come for a moment?” Eunhyuk asked me. Kyuhyun looked with open eyes to him. I just walked with him.

“So you were crying for Kyuhyun the other time…” He said with a worried face. That really gave me a shock. How did he know that.

He saw that I was starting to cry so he hugged me.

Short Kai POV

What are they doing! Why is he hugging her! I knew it… There’s something going on between the two of them. But I don’t want it like this. They just met each other. Why are they already so close to each other. I really can’t stand it. I moved a bit toward them.

“Kyu, what’s wrong?” Seohyun said suddenly. I already forgot about her. It’s not like I can do something about the two of them… since they like each other, I just need to accept that fact, no matter how painful it is…

“Let’s go!” I said to her. I don’t want to see them together. I really can’t handle it any longer.

“Aren’t we staying here?” Chiya asked.

“I’m not feeling well. Let’s go.” I said and we walked away.

“You, the one that I loved for such a long time, is leaving me... Though I haven’t yet said a word in my defense, I want you to be happy… Until now… I didn’t know, because I didn’t know how to love, that my heart would collapse and fall, I didn’t know… So I truned away from you… without thinking ”

“I should bring you home.” I said to her. And we walked toward her home.

“We’re at your home. See you later!” I said with a smile and suddenly, she kissed me!! I pushed her lightly away after a couple of seconds and then I realized that Eunhyuk was standing there!

“It has to be you, it can’t be anyone else…”

chaptered, finding lost time (kpop), kyumin

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