
Aug 03, 2010 14:58

Title: Congratulation.
Serie: Unreachable
Pairing: KyuMin (KyuhyunxSungmin)
Disclaimer: Only the story =((
Summary: Sungmin and Kyuhyun used to love each other, but never let there feelings out. After not seeing each other for years, they finally met again. Kyuhyun realized that he still felt the same. Yet they till can´t be together.
A/N: Sequel of Unreachable. I´m sorry, it´s a total fail! I wrote a wonderful fic of this. I was really happy about it, but my pc closed internet before i could save it. I forgot the most imortant and beautiful part. So i wrote it again (at 02:00 midnight) but this time less better.... && im death tired and annoyed, so i decided to make it into 2 parts...


How could such a small word hurt me so much. Even though i heard it already a thousands of times from other people. It never hurt me like this. Why did he have to say it. If he just told me not to marry anyone else...



¨I asked what you thought about this tuxedo. It´s pink.¨

¨Yeah... I like it~¨ If only it was meant for our wedding... It would have been perfect.

¨Then, should we pick this one then?¨

¨No! I don´t want it. Let´s go to another shop.¨

¨Sungmin. You´ve been acting strange lately. What´s wrong? Are you nervous for your wedding? Ah I guess it´s that. You shouldn´t worry to much.¨

¨It´s nothing serious, really.¨

¨I guess so... Then let´s buy this one. It really suits you~¨

¨No.. Let´s go to another store already.¨

¨Then we should go find another one, we dont have much time anymore. But what´s wrong with you? How more time pass, how more i think that it isnt because you´re nervous. Im your best friend. You can tell me anything.¨

¨I told you, it´s nothing. Nothing serious. I´m going to change right now after that, let´s go already.¨

¨Okay. Hurry up, we only have today left to buy one.¨

¨I know~¨


We were walking toward the other store to buy a tuxedo. Should I tell him about it? That I met Kyuhyun. No I should probably not, since I decided to leave my feelings behind that day. Yet I still can´t get him out of my head. Even after so many years my feelings still are the same. They never changed really. I wonder if something would have change if I confessed. What am I thinking. Am I stupid or something. The only thing that could have changed, is that he would avoid me, hate me, break our friendship. If he knew I liked guys... Not especially guys nor girls... Just Kyuhyun, since he was my first real love. There is no way that he would return my feelings. I should stop thinking about him... I´m marrying a great guy that loves me. If only I could love him as much...

¨Sungmin. What color do you want? Since you don´t want pink?¨

¨Uhmm... Blue?¨ Blue... It really suits him... ¨NO! NO BLUE!¨ I really shouldn´t have meet him... Why couldnt I just send him an invitation like I did with other people... It only became worse now...

¨Haha, then what color? White? Light grey? No black... Light colors suits you the best. But I still think that-¨

¨No! No pink!¨

¨Alright I get it but why not?¨

¨I... I don´t feel like it...¨

I wonder if I should tell him. He will probably scold me. Since Hyukkie is the only one that knew about my feelings for Kyuhyun back then and now. He will get mad at me for meeting Kyuhyun for sure. What should I do? I wonder why Im so stupid like this. I guess it´s harder to forget someone that I thought. Why am I still hoping? I wonder... Idiot! Your feelings will never get returned so forget it already!

¨Kyu! Hurry up already or you can´t buy a present!¨

¨Yeah, yeah. You go ahead.¨ I saw a guy running ahead. I saw him wave at another guy... Kyuhyun. He was smiling a wonderful smile. Is that his boyfriend?

¨Sungmin! Why are you crying? Sungmin what´s wrong?¨

¨I-it´s nothing... I-i dont know...¨ I wiped my tears away, but unfortunaly, that didnt make my tears stop from falling so I covered my face with my hands. I began to cry even more after that.

¨Hyung! Sungmin...¨ A boy, that was the last person I wanted to see at this moment, walked to us. ¨What´s wrong?¨

¨Kyuhyun?¨ Eunhyuk asked surprised. ¨I don´t know either... He won´t tell me anything.¨ I still covered my face and kept silent.

¨Sungmin-hyung...¨ he began to embrace me, what made me cry even more.

¨Kyu. I don´t think... You should do that.¨ Kyuhyun realized that Eunhyuk was right, so he let go of me. At least I stopped crying. I just looked at the floor.

¨Kyu! Kyuhyun! What´s taking you so long?! We won´t be having time to buy a present.¨ The same boy that made my heart broken ones again, walked to us. His boyfriend. ¨Who is this?¨

¨Ah Zhoumi, this is Lee Hyukjae, but his nickname is Eunhyuk.¨ he looked toward Eunhyuk and then to me, ¨And this is Lee Sungmin. They´re friends of me from the past. They´re both my hyungs. And this is Zhoumi-¨

¨Ah! Sungmin! You´re the one that´s going to marry right?! Congratulation~¨

¨Ah thank you... Are... you coming too?¨

¨Is it okay for Kyu to bring a friend?¨ A friend? Did I hear that right! So, so They aren´t together!! Ah! I shouldn´t be happy about that!

¨Of course it is.¨


We both separated ways after that again. But we met that night again when we both were taking a walk outside. Even though it was just for a small moment, i was happy to see him.


I turned away and saw Kyuhyun behind me.

¨Ah Kyu! What are you doing here?¨ Wait! How did he just called me! Min-ah?!

¨Just taking a walk. I felt like it so... And you?¨

¨Me too.¨

¨Why were you crying? This evening?¨


¨Hahaha what kind of reaction was that.¨ he began to laugh out loud.

¨Ah... It was nothing... Really...¨

¨If you say so...¨

¨Are you nervous? For the wedding?¨ He asked me but you could hear him hesitate. To be true, I was nervous, very nervous... But not for the wedding. Just
being with Kyuhyun made my heart go beat like crazy.

¨Not at all... I just... Don´t want it anymore...¨ no... I ruined it. That wasnt supposed to be said out loud...

¨What do you mean? You dont want to marry?¨

¨Forget about that...¨

¨What? Oh I have to go home. I totally forgot the time. I´ll see you on the w-... wedding...¨

¨... yeah...¨

¨Sungmin I-¨

´Oh na- Even if I tell you, I love you a thousand of times, even if my hea-´

¨Yes? Yeah I´ll be right there. Okay. Bye.¨

¨I have to go... Ill see you then...¨

¨Yeah... Goodbye...¨


twoshot, angst, kyumin, fanfics

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