Let's stay together, forever. [Chapter 17]

Apr 30, 2011 13:46

Title: Let's stay together, forever.
Chapter: 17/26
Pairing: [main]KyuMin, [side] EunHae, Yewook, [ninja] KiMin [kibumxchangmin], SeoKyu, SiHan[maybe]
This chapter: sort-of-Broken!Seokyu, very-awkward!KyuMin, EunHae.
Genre: Fluff, romance, friendship, bromance, drama. Angst!!!
Rating: PG-13... kekeke. 
Disclaimer: I own them all~ *gets hit* Okay... Only in the story... *gets hit again* Okaay... Not at all... Just the story idea...
Summary: Sungmin and Kyuhyun are each others best friend and brother. Ever since they were little, they could never be separated. No matter where Kyuhyun went, his older brother tagged along. Just like wherever Sungmin went, the little one tagged alone. That's why they made a promise when they were little, to always stay together. But will that still be like that when they are older? Even after they both go to different schools and meet new people? Will they be able to stop their feelings from changing? And above of that, will they still be able to keep there promise?
a/n: keke, for the first time , i have nothing to say in the a/n. Hopefully this quick update will make up for my stupid brain, who decided to have a writer's block for weeks... blame my stupid brain as much as you want... I will do the same y^-^

Previous Chapter[s]: Introduction+Prologue. - Chapter 1~  - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9  - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12  - Chapter 13  Chapter 14; PART 1  PART 2 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16

chapter 17:

[Normal POV]

Kyuhyun has been feeling uneasy, ever since he last spoke with his brother on the phone half an hour ago. He couldn't stop the feeling of nervousness and regret. He thought that it was a bad idea after all, to focus on Seohyun, to forget his feelings. He forgot that Sungmin also had feelings. He must think he abandoned his own brother for a girl. And Kyuhyun didn't want Sungmin to think like that. Since it wasn't true.

Well, it was partly true, but it was a different reason why, than Sungmin would think. It's just that he can't get over his feelings when he keeps on getting so close with Sungmin. Spending his time lovingly with his hyung, hug, even kiss sometimes. His feelings couldn't stop from growing bigger and bigger like that. He had to do this or else he wouldn't know were his feelings would bring him. After that dream, where he imagined those things of Sungmin [do you get the hint?] it became even harder. He didn't even dare to think about his desires getting bigger than they already were. What if he couldn't control his feelings and would do more than a kiss to his hyung. Sungmin would be disgusted by him and hate him. And that was something Kyuhyun didn't want to happen.

On the other side, once again, Kyuhyun knows what it's doing to Sungmin. there is no way that Sungmin isn't suffering slightly under it. He was so pissed on the phone and the things what happened before that ever since Seohyun came into their his life. His brother changed and he didn't like it much. He can't get the image out of his head when Sungmin asked him desperately about what happened between them. And then the kiss of that night, followed by his brother saying 'I love you'. His brother loved him, maybe not the same way he did love him, but he did love him. So what to do. It was so wrong to let his brother go through this, but it could all go wrong.

Kyuhyun ruffled his hair out of frustration and bent down. He seriously didn't know what to do now. He had no idea. Whatever way he would choice, none was easy or to his liking. He was hesitating between two things to do now. Ignore it and go on with his 'date'. Or call Sungmin to meet right now. If he would choice the first one, he would definitely be followed with the previous thoughts for the whole day. But if he would call Sungmin, what would he do then? Meet him and what? Feel anxious and let his hyung feel uncomfortable? Maybe... He should talk with his brother about it. His feelings. 'Aish! What to do!'

"Kyu? Are you alright? You seem frustrated." Seohyun bent down and looked at her... boyfriend. Kyuhyun looked next to him and stared at Seohyun. Kyuhyun was desperately looking at Seohyun, she could see his eyes almost beg her to help him. She frowned and grabbed Kyuhyun's arm, only to let him stand up. Kyuhyun stood up indeed and sighed a frustrated sigh. "Kyuhyun... What is bothering you? Maybe I can help you, so please tell me." Seohyun said, almost begging.

Kyuhyun shook his head and sighed once again. "Don't worry... I'm fine." He walked forward and Seohyun tagged along. She was feeling slight sad, especially since she already knew what was going on. Kyuhyun may have not noticed, but she's quite observant. She hate to admit it, but she knew something that no one else knew. Well, she thought so. She was worried about Kyuhyun, so she decided to save him from his troubles. She well known that she was one of those.

She walked happily next to Kyuhyun and intertwined their arms. She walked forward happily, dragging Kyuhyun along. Kyuhyun was confused about her action and felt bad for her. He knew how much she liked him and he felt bad for using her like that.

She lead him to a café in front of the park that they just walked in. She dragged him inside. He didn't really care. He could at least let her be happy. They sat at a table next to the window and ordered something to drink and eat.

"Kyu... We need to talk." She said not happy, nor sad. She sighed and looked outside. Kyuhyun followed her gaze and ended up looking at the trees of the park. He didn't know what was coming next and he didn't think about it either. He just let himself lead in the moment. "I like you. A lot." He nodded and sipped the hot chocolate that they just got.

"Uhm." He responded and looked to her. She turned to him too and smiled. He at first felt uneasy, but suddenly it changed. He felt quite comfortable with her, once he relaxed in front of her. Not thinking they were lovers, but friends.

"By any change. Were you like that because of... Sungmin-shii?" He chocked in his drink and covered his mouth. He didn't except that at all. He didn't know what he had to do once again. He looked frustrated and it made Seohyun chuckle. "I observed you," she continued. "And I know that you don't just see him as a brother." She said with a smile. Kyuhyun's eyes widened and he was just speechless. "When I first saw it, i thought it was so strange. How could my boyfriend have feelings for his brother. I actually pitied you. Having an incest love must be hard." She took her mug in her hands and lifted it to her lips. "Recently, I found out the two of you aren't blood-related brothers." She nodded her head slightly, knowingly that she was right. "Actually I was happy about it when I heard it. I like you a lot and i want you to be happy. So, hat means the two of you can be togeth-"

"Aniyo. It's not like that." Kyuhyun finally spoke. "Min and I... It can't. He... He sees me as his brother... I don't want him to avoid me and hate me for loving him more than that. I'm sure Minnie already forgot that we aren't real btohers. i mean, it was more than ten years ago, since we became brother by law." He looked anxious to Seohyun and she only gave him a smile in return. She patted his head and giggled.

"Kyu-ah~ Please tell me about your problems now, okay?" She said happily. She knew she had to let him go now. She was now sure that he really had feelings for someone else. She didn't lie at all, about being happy that he could be loved back. And seen from how Sungmin looked at his younger brother, told her enough. "I will help you solve them."

"Seohyun... I'm so sorry." She frowned and pouted.

"Why sorry?" she smiled once again. "Oh~ you're worried, since we're dating?" He nodded and sighed. He felt so bad, even more now that he knows she knows about his feelings. "Then... About that... Let's..." She was thinking deeply. "Break up?" Kyuhyun looked pitiful to her. He kind of wanted to break up, but also not. He felt bad for her, but also for himself. "Don't need to hesitate, sweetie! Let's be super good friend! Okay?"

"Are you sure that you want to be friends with a jerk like me?" Kyuhyun asked and chuckled. he knew so well that he was being a jerk. He was so stupid for only knowing it now.

"Of course! I had a lot of fun with you, Kyu~ So tell me more about your feelings now. And why you were so frustated." Kyuhyun finally smiled like Seohyun and both laughed. He ended up telling everything. Many things made Seohyun feel bad. But she soon came over it, since she decided to fix everything that happened. even though it wasn't her fault, she still felt that she had to help fix it.


[Sungmin POV]

"Why God, why..." I sighed for the umpth time today. Kyuhyun was all that was filled in my head and I hated it. Why think about someone who doesn't think about you. Why do I keep thinking like this! Of course Kyuhyun thinks of you and cares for you! What has gone through my head those days. The fact that Kyuhyun has a girlfriend changed me so much. Now that he spent more time with another girl. I should stop this already. I'm stupid for getting angry at him. It's only normal for him getting a girlfriend at this age and spent less time with his brother, isn't it?

But It still makes me angry. Kyuhyun isn't that type. I thought so. I mean everything for him, not like other siblings do. Maybe it's like that now, because Kyuhyun can simply have one person in his heart, nothing more. And I'm replaced by Seo... Seohyun. He can't do anything about it. So I guess, I have to solve my own problem. I should get us more distance, so that i won't suffer of it anymore.

If only it was still like it used to be.


"Minnie-hyung~ Minnie~" little Kyuhyun ran to little Sungmin with a flower in his hand. "Wook Minnie-hyung. I fouwnd thish fow you." The little boy's eyes began to sparkle and he hugged the boy tightly.

"Thankyu, kyunnie!!" The younger one smiled and hugged him back. Both were so happy. The older one released the hug and dragged him to the playground. "Let's go play~ Let's make a home for Ms. flower~"

They both walked the sandbox in and made a little house for the flower. they stared at it and then at each other with a big smile.

"Minnie-hyung~ You'we mine now, you know?" Little Sungmin looked confused at the boy infront of him. "Mowmy said you give a fwowe to the one who's youws." A blush crept on both their faces. The older one responded by giving a kiss on the latter's cheek.

[end flashback]

Ever since then, he always used to call me his. Stupid. He let me fell for it ever since we were little.

I lay down on my bed and looked at the ceiling. It really became such a big problem, that I realized Kyuhyun has been less possesive now. How could that happen? His possessiveness was something so great, nothing could beat it... At least, everyone thought that.

"AISH!" I exclaimed frustrated. Get it out of your head already!

"Minnie~!" huh? Who is calling me? "Minnie, sweetie, I'm home~" My feelings lightened up and a smile appeared on my lips. I rushed my room out and hurried downstairs. I giggled when I saw a women's back, unpack the bags with food that she bought.

"Umma~!" I threw myself on her and hugged hair tightly. She was gone for some days again. She was gone a lot for work. Sometimes a few days, like this time, and sometimes weeks or months. But no matter how little time she was gone, you couldn't be any happier to see her once she was home. That's home much we loved her. She was so sweet and adorable. She was happiness itself.

"Awh~ My Minnie missed me again~? Umma missed you a lot too~" She turned around to give me a peck on my lips. She patted my head and smiled sweetly, like always. "Help me unpack those things, okay sweetie?" I nodded and unpacked the things with her. "Oh, Minnie. There is a letter for you. Here~" She gave me a letter. I put it on the table.

"I'm going to the neighbors for a bit. Let Kyunnie call me once he's home. I want to see him too~ " She put n her coat and waved at me.

"Arasso Umma~" She left the house and i walked to the kitchen to get a pudding and a spoon. I started eating a bit and grabbed the letter before walking upstairs to my room.

"A letter? From who could it be?" I held the spoon in my mouth and opened the letter. My eyes widened as I saw the letter. I read it through and sighed. It was a letter from a Japanese school. It had a special transfer program and I was chosen to follow a special 2-years study on the school. It was a program that only had chosen the best students. And I was one of them. Wah, should I be happy or not about it. I don't know if i can leave this place. But it's a chance that only comes once in a lifetime. If I reject this now, I can't go to it. And it's one of my dreams.

I sighed heavily. Why does it have to come at this moment. I should hide it for now. no one can find out about it, before I make my choice.

I hid it beneath my closet, since no one would look there anyway. Hopefully mom and dad won't find it. they're the least persons I want to let know about this, before I make a decision. I'm sure they will feel sad and miss me a lot. As for Kyuhyun... He can't know it either. not that he would care about it anyway now. He wouldn't care if I left now.


*next morning*[normal POV]

"Minnie~! Minnie, wake up!" Kyuhyun shook his brother excitedly awake. But like every other morning, it wasn't that easy to wake his brother. He kept on shaking his body and shout out his name. "HYUNG! WAKE UP! We're going to be late." The only responds he got, was getting hit on his head. "Ouch! That hurts!" He rubbed his head and sighed.

His hyung wasn't going to wake up that easily once again. He really had to get a plan for those mornings soon. He looked at the clock and his face turned into terror. "SHIT!" he ran out of the room and hurried  up to get himself dressed and ready for school. He entered Sungmin's room once again, onyl to find him still deep asleep with a smug on his face. He chuckled before attempting for the last time, to wake him up.

Without any luck. "I guess, I have no other choice than get you ready myself." a grin spread his face. He took his brother's uniform out of his closet and walked back to the bed. He sat on the latter's bed and smiled happily. "Hyung~" he said, no responds of the latter of course. He pulled the blanket off the upper half of Sungmin's body and undressed the one-piece dress off his brother's body. He looked with his eyes wide open to the well built body of Sungmin. He choked in his own spit and cooughed. 'Damn I didn't know he has such a great body.' He blushed at the thought and his hands began moving on their own. They traveled to Sungmin's well build body, touching it on the sides. His hands ended up at the abdomen of the sleeping boy and massaged it lightly. He was shocked when a moan suddenly escaped his brother's mouth.

"Ah~ Kyu..." Kyuhyun gulped and stood up immediately, only realizing his member was already half hard now. He gulped once again and his face flushed red.

"Wait! Did that really happen? Don't tell me i have been dreaming again." Kyuhyun stopped breathing and got dizzy. 'Oh god. I better not do that ever again.' He felt like fainting when he saw his hyung's sexy body. He couldn't help but notice the bulge under Sungmin's underwear. He stopped breathing once again. All kind of perverted thoughts came in his head. He hit his head to get it out, but he wouldn't help but think about those things, not realizing his member was slowly getting harder and harder.

He took the blanket frustrated and covered Sungmin with it again. He hit his head to wake him up now. Sungmin groaned and sat up. He rubbed his eyes and looked to Kyuhyun. "What..." He said irritated.

Kyuhyun was still flustered about his their bulges. "n-nothing." It came out a bit coldly, but that was just because Kyuhyun was frustrated about the bulge in his pants and the reason for it. He walked the room out as soon as possible, on the hope the other wouldn't see that embarrassing thing.

Sungmin felt sad about the way Kyuhyun told him there was nothing. It came out rather mean. 'Maybe he doesn't want to talk to me now.'  Sungmin pouted to no one actually. He was slight disappointed. He suddenly felt cold and saw that he was not wearing his one/piece sleepwear. He frowned and thought he really  put it on last night. He put the blanket away, only to be shocked by the sigh he saw. 'Oh no... D/Don't tell me he saw that!' Sungmin became almost as red as Kyuhyun before and felt so embarrassed. ´No wonder he reacted like that T_T He must feel disgusted!'

Sungmin was ready and walked downstairs. Once he saw Kyuhyun, he became red and so did Kyuhyun. Both couldn't get it out of their heads.

"L-Let's go. W-we're late. I-I made l-lunch for y-you." Kyuhyun stuttered and handed the other his lunch.

"Thanks." Sungmin responded, still blushing. He looked away and so did Kyuhyun.

"H-Here. Also, b-breakfast f-for on the w-way." Kyuhyun handed him the sandwich. Sungmin accepted it. Both of them never felt so awkward. They went outside and their whole way to their meeting spot with Seohyun, was the same as the morning at home. Awkward...


"Hae!" Eunhyuk called his now boyfriend and ran to him. Donghae looked around and blushed. He was so happy to see Eunhyuk. He still couldn't help but blush every time he calls out his name.

"Hi, Hyukkie~!"~He said excitedly. Eunhyuk took Donghae's hand and walked together with him in the hallway. They both stayed quiet after the greeting and smiled on their way to the classroom. Donghae looked up to Eunhyuk, and Eunhyuk looked back. He wanted to lean closer and kiss the latter, but a boy ruined the moment.

"U-Uhm... D-Donghae-shii" The boy stood in front of us with a blush on his face. He looked nervously at the intertwined hands and then to Donghae. "C-Can I speak to you for a moment?" Donghae, as ignorant as he is, smiled and nodded his head. Eunhyuk glared at the poor boy in front of them, who was scared to dead for the glaring boy.

Eunhyuk saw a letter in the boy's hand and jealousy spread through his body. 'This boy really is something. Daring to confess to my Hae...' He pulled Donghae closer to his body and put his arm around his waist. Donghae blushed once again and giggled. "He can't." Eunhyuk said coldly to the boy. Donghae was left confused. He seriously didn't know what was going on. Especially when the boy and his boyfriend were glaring at each other.

The glaring competition ended when the boy gave up and sighed. He knew he couldn't win against Eunhyuk. He turned his gaze to Donghae. "Forget it, hyung. I will go now."

"Byebye, Minho~" Donghae said excitedly, forgetting the moment of a couple of second ago. Eunhyuk smirked and pulled Donghae to the classroom. On the way they started talking and reached the classroom. They saw a sulking Sungmin and both sighed at the same time. 'Kyuhyun again.' both thought.

"Min-ah!!" Dongahe greeted Sungmin excitedly and hugged him, hoping he would cheer up a bit that way.

"Min, hello." Eunhyuk said with a smile and took his seat after giving Donghae a peck on the lips. Sungmin saw it and a smile crept on his face.

"Good morning, you two. So the date went well I see." Sungmin giggled. Donghae and Eunhyuk blushed and nodded. None of the two talked more about it. Well, for now. As soon as the second period started where only he and Donghae had lesson together. Donghae told him every single detail of everything that has happened from the moment he hung up the phone, till the moment they fell asleep together on Donghae's bed. Donghae warmly in Eunhyuk's arms. And if that wasn't enough, Eunhyuk had to speak with Sungmin privately in the break, and he heard the whole story again, but in the other point of view. Sungmin just felt so happy for his friends.


[Sungmin POV]

*At Cho's house.*

"I'm home!" I closed the door behind me and took off my shoes. I looked inside the kitchen to see if anyone was home. I saw Kyuhyun drinking his coke and I felt the embarrassing from this morning come up again. I wonder if he already forget about it. Why the hell did he have to see that, for God's sake. That... He must have not greeted me because he doesn't want to talk to me. Why am I such an embarrassing. I sighed and wished I could remove this morning out of his head... Our heads.

I'm so happy I'm going to sleep at Changmin tonight. I can forget my feelings for now then.

"Hyung!" I was greeted by a happy Kyuhyun. I guess he didn't hear me coming in just now. I'm so lucky. I guess he already forgot it, since he's so happy. I sighed out of relieve.

"Hi, Kyu." I said simply. I didn't even realize how I said it. I guess my feelings took over from before. I forgot about Kyuhyun and me. I can't be close with him from now on. Or else I'll feel miserable forever. But he doesn't seem like he wants it like this at all... Maybe I should just forget it. It's not like I want to be distant with him.

I walked to the refrigerator and grabbed a drink. I sat on the table in front of Kyuhyun and drank my strawberry milk. I looked at Kyuhyun and saw him smiling brightly. I wondered what happened. I stood up to pack my things fro tonight. Kyuhyun held me back.

"Minnie, dad came back just now!" I looked to him and smiled. I haven't seen dad in such a long time. He was working for the past month abroad.

"Really?! Where is he? I want to see him!" I jumped up and down like a little bunny and giggled. I wanted to walk the kitchen out to search for my dad. I heard Kyuhyun chuckle.

"He's out buying food. He'll come back soon~" Kyuhyun smiled. I pouted to him and sighed. Just when I'm sleeping over at Changmin's house. Well, dad will stay longer now, so I'll spent more time with him tomorrow.

-end chapter 17-


Hope you enjoyed reading~

fluff, chaptered, seokyu, yewook, kyumin, fanfics, let's stay together forever, eunhae, angst, romance

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