Title:Everyone Loves Chocolate
Fandom: RPF
Characters/Pairings: Ian Somerhalder/Maggie Grace
Rating: PG
Prompt: chocolate
Written for:
vylentcrymz& the
13drabbles prompt: difference, because I'm sneaky like that. And seriously people, go
request something, because apparently only CJ loves me./ end guilt trip
“I’ll eat on the rescue boat,” Shannon snaps, eyes narrowed on Boone. Someone yells cut and the spell is broken, she’s Maggie again as she snatches the candy bar out of Ian’s hands. “Shannon’s a moron. Who in their right mind turns down chocolate?”
Ian laughs, watching her slide down the wrapper and take a bite. “So, Shannon hates chocolate and you don’t?”
“Everyone loves chocolate,” she corrects, chewing thoughtfully before swallowing. “But sure, I guess so. Why do you ask?”
“No reason. Just trying to tell the difference between you two.” He grinned. “Mean, it’s kinda hard, the two of you being so bratty and all,” he teases.
“Very funny,” Maggie says dryly, but there’s a smile on her face. She stands up, brushing off her skirt. “Well, should remember the chocolate thing; there’s gonna be a test later, you know.”
“Oh, I’m gonna study,” Ian says earnestly.
She laughs. “You better.”
As she walks off to her trailer, Ian can’t help but smile. This was one test he was determined to pass with flying colors.