Title: Signal Fire
Rating: PG/PG-13 For some strong language and adult themes.
Spoilers: All Seasons, All Episodes.
Status: Complete (Prologue+11 Chapters+ Epilogue)
Summary: Kara and Lee get one last chance to be together. Begins the moment after Daybreak II, on the hill where Kara didn’t say goodbye.
Special thanks to my sister,
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Comments 16
Love your icon...
That is all. : )
I'm so glad that it was Dee that Kara had to get back to the CIC with. I wish they'd never been pinned against each other, because I would have liked to have given Dee a real chance. I think you did her justice here, so great work.
The sheer desperation and tragedy of this chap is almost too much. It's like a Quentin Tarantino movie. But you wrote it in such a way that I'm still wanting to forge ahead, greedy for more. Good stuff. Now I shall sprint to the finish.
I never cared for Dee after the way she treated Billy but the writer's did wrong by her, I think the character itself had great potential. And I would have liked to see her working more w/ Kara.
I'm so thrilled you're enjoying this so far, I've really appreciated all your kind feedback!
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