Icon Meme!

Jan 26, 2010 23:22

I'm putting off writing...to waste time on LJ...as usual! Woot.

1. Comment to this entry saying 'ICONS!' and I will pick 6 of your icons.
2. Make an entry in your own journal and talk about the icons I picked!

assigned by the wonderful-always amaliak

under the cut )

meme, random, icons

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Comments 30

cosetteferaud January 27 2010, 15:10:57 UTC
All of them are sooooo pretty! The "Legend of the Sneaker" one cracked me up, I love it! (I am a fan of chucks :)). And the Dawson one... well, I can't feel bad for poor Dawson because he looks so... ugly! LOL!


mintenergy January 27 2010, 15:25:34 UTC
Why thank you!
Chucks are love.
I know, you just can't feel bad for him when he's crying like a little girl you know?


bonita_chica71 January 28 2010, 03:06:21 UTC
"Dirty Dancing is like Nutella to me. Comforting and always makes me feel good. Dancing plus romance plus good daddies plus campy eighties cheese=FTW"- This is SO TRUE!! Yay, I have a DD soul-sister. :) Everyone I know gives me such flack for liking it. But it gives me the warm and fuzzies! ;)


mintenergy January 28 2010, 14:35:37 UTC
Aw, what's wrong with those people? DD is good stuff! I get the warm and fuzzies too =D It's one of my "go to" movies when I want to feel good. Breakfast at Tiffany's, Penelope, Say Anything, Pride and Prejudice, and of course Dirty Dancing are my favs! I don't see why a movie has to be some kind of entertainment masterpiece all the time. I think it's just as important to make movies that make us happy as it is to make movies that make us think, you know?


bonita_chica71 January 29 2010, 04:52:57 UTC
Totally! I've really come to value films like that- in a way I think that's why people go see/watch films, for escapism of somekind. I love all your selections, especially "Say Anything" and "Breakfast at Tiffany's";(which I bought at Target for $3, thank you very much! ;P) true underated gems .:D


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