Title: I Prefer...
Word count: 100
Rating: NC17
Challenge: none
Characters: Rabastan/Regulus
Disclaimer: not mine
Team: snakes
AN: part CMLXXXVI, continued from
What He Needed by
andrea__88 I PREFER...
Rabastan rolled off of Regulus. His eyes travelled down Regulus’ clothed torso, alighting on his mesh covered cock.
He bit his bottom lip, increasingly pleased that the long johns weren’t at all confining. His fingers ran lightly over Regulus’ balls and traced his cock, which twitched satisfyingly.
“Gods love...” His finger caught the pre cum at the sensitive tip, causing Regulus to moan. “They’re hot but...” Rabastan peeled the briefs off. “I prefer you like this...” he wrapped his hand around Regulus’ cock, stroking gently and leaned across for a kiss, “Is everything else you bought as good as this?”