Fic: Exhibit A

Nov 24, 2009 17:47

Exhibit A
by minnow_53

Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Rating: PG-13/R
Warnings: Some violence; non-magic AU.
Summary: A key witness recounts the events leading up to a murder trial.
Thanks: To westwardlee for the beta and also to astra_argentea.
Prompt: My bed is covered yellow - Oh Sun, I sit on you ( Read more... )

rs_games. through_era, challenge_fic, angst, au

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Comments 13

lanyon November 24 2009, 18:41:47 UTC
Oh my god. This is truly brilliant. It's such an innovative point-of-view and, as an AU, you've handled it so deftly. I'm slightly in awe (and incoherent) right now. I'll be recommending you to all my friends!


minnow_53 November 24 2009, 19:22:42 UTC
That is an awesome comment: thank you very, very much. :) I'm really delighted you liked the fic.

I've felt a bit shy about commenting on your recent posts, but I have been reading them and thinking about you constantly. ♥


lanyon November 24 2009, 20:21:14 UTC
Oh, and the song! Oh, I really like that. I want that as my ringtone!

I really do appreciate knowing that much. I know it must be a very difficult situation to watch but you've no idea how much it cheers me up to know that there are so many good thoughts out there.


minnow_53 November 25 2009, 07:57:40 UTC
I'm really happy to hear that! :) You're the first person to mention the song: even though I listened to it about a hundred times while I was writing the story, I still love it.

There are a LOT of good thoughts coming your way. *hugs*


madeline871 November 25 2009, 01:03:13 UTC
Oh! How wonderful!

I'm not supposed to be this happy when someone gets away with murder, but I really am. So cleverly written - I can't believe you had me caring so much about a bedspread.


minnow_53 November 25 2009, 08:00:27 UTC
Thank you very much! :) I got very fond of the bedspread by the time I'd finished the fic, though it does lack some moral sense at times. :/


applegnat November 26 2009, 17:34:32 UTC
Holy wow, WHAT a great PoV. Beautifully written, and really really sharp. Love it, thank you.

Here via lanyon's rec, btw. Hi.


minnow_53 November 26 2009, 19:17:08 UTC
Hi! And thank you very much. :) I'm so happy you liked it.


alphatauri3791 December 6 2009, 16:24:05 UTC
Excellent! I love the bedspread and I'm glad they got away with murder. I know, it isn't very nice of me, but she's such an annoying brat - and yes, she should have changed her clothes for the party.

Of course, Remus is such an idiot! How could he miss the ring?!? And I bet the jury bought his very thin tale because the ladies were completely besotted by Sirius' charm. *g*


minnow_53 December 6 2009, 20:06:15 UTC
Hello! And thank you very much! :) I'm really delighted to see a comment from you. ♥

and yes, she should have changed her clothes for the party.

It was bad of her, wasn't it? I didn't mean this to be Tonks-bashing (in the figurative sense) and I don't think it was, but that one detail was probably enough to justify everything that happened to her subsequently.

And I bet the jury bought his very thin tale because the ladies were completely besotted by Sirius' charm.

Absolutely! :D


alphatauri3791 December 7 2009, 21:31:33 UTC
Oh, you're right! This time, she was really bashed. LLLLLLL I'm sorry, but with all the respect I have for post-partum depression, I really have to draw the line at personal hygiene (at least in fiction). O_O

It was so much fun to read it. I've been scarce for a very long time, but it's so nice to be here. I really should fall back in the good old habits. ;p

♥ ♥ ♥


loveangelstar January 2 2010, 21:30:33 UTC
This was a very very good. Unfortunately I don't have much to add that hasn't already been said but just very good. The most convincing AU I've read. By that I mean if they weren't magical I can really imagine their life like this. With less murder of course XD

I also read the rs_games entry. I'm a little unsure why everyone sees Tonks as a really bad person. I mean yes, she is horrible in the sense that she gets in the way of what we want; Remus and Sirius together. Her behaviour before the incident was horrible but I assume it was only because she suspected Remus of being unfaithful or simply wasn't happy with him because he wasn't happy with her. To be quite honest she had a pretty natural reaction to finding out her husband was sleeping with someone else. Her stoning and disease etc comments were quite off but I'm not convinced she really meant those terrible things, but just that she was upset. Sirius was the 'bad human' here for attacking her ( ... )


minnow_53 January 3 2010, 08:50:55 UTC
I'm really touched that you took the time to read the fic and comment, with such insight as well. Thank you very, very much! :)

Her stoning and disease etc comments were quite off but I'm not convinced she really meant those terrible things, but just that she was upset.

I thought a lot about Tonks in DH while I was writing this, and how she must feel when Remus goes off and leaves her when she's pregnant, and tells Harry he shouldn't have married her... Even for diehard R/S fans, Remus's behaviour was inexcusable, IMO. I know in canon Tonks continues to worship R and probabaly wouldn't have been able to live without him, even for Teddy's sake, but that strikes me as totally screwed up. I think a real life Tonks would have reacted just as defensively as Tonks in the fic reacts to Remus's attitude towards her.

By that I mean if they weren't magical I can really imagine their life like this. With less murder of course

Lol! :D I can see what you mean...


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