Ficlet: The Years Before You Came: Harry Potter and the Universe

Jun 12, 2008 17:53

The Years Before You Came: Harry Potter and the Universe
by minnow_53

Summary: As a corollary to JKR’s prequel, a full and frank account of what happened before Harry Potter.
Rating: PG
Genre: This one’s definitely crack.

Now the reveal is up, here’s a link to the first of my two 800_words fics. The challenge was to write our own HP prequel in 800 words. As ( Read more... )

humour, crack, challenge_fic, silly

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Comments 6

phoenixw June 13 2008, 06:01:34 UTC
W000t! She's back, and with fic in hand!

A lol-worthy effort, my dear - thanks for pointing to it. I was completely oblivious of the 800 words stories. :-)


minnow_53 June 13 2008, 06:25:30 UTC
It's been great to see you back recently too! ♥

The 800_words was a very small challenge (literally!) and a lot of fun to do. None of the heavy vibes of something like remix. *shudders*


alphatauri3791 June 13 2008, 07:06:59 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥


minnow_53 June 13 2008, 07:30:12 UTC
*hugs* :)


delphipsmith November 27 2011, 04:44:33 UTC
*snort* This was hilarious -- Brontosaurus!Harry and EvilRaptor!Draco LOL!


minnow_53 December 2 2011, 09:40:34 UTC
Thank you very much! :) And sorry for the late reply -- just back from vacation!


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