Well, just because I haven't been writing anything here in the last couple of months doesn't say that I'll never get back. At least when there's a meme going around. And I'm to tired to care about my english tonight so just, y'know, let it be :)
- X what you saw
- O what you haven't finished/saw sizable portions
- Bold what you loved
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Comments 2
But, hey, what have you got against Brother Bear?
Haha, thanks ^^ I just realised that the name Arisocats comes from aristocrats. I'm having sort of a "aha-upplevelse" :P
And I don't know. It was just pretty predicteble and didn't really have anything new in it. Or maybe I was very tired when we saw it. But I liked the elks (is that the name for it in english? I get confused from german, as always).
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