The Rules:
→ Put your playlist on random.
→ Post the first line from the first 25 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing.
→ Strike out the songs when someone guesses correctly. No cheating with Google, etc.
1. Big wad o' bills (it's like the only line...)
2. Go home! Go west! Go back where you came from! Oh why did you ever leave Ohio?
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Comments 5
11-- Supercalifragilisticespialidocious from Mary Poppins
16-- The Chimney Sweep Song from Mary Poppins
10 is If I were a rich Man from fiddler on the roof?
15. I Wonder from Sleeping Beauty
3. The Second Star to the Right from Peter Pan
25. Tale As Old as Time (or is it called Beauty and the Beast? *can't remember*) from Beauty and the Beast
13. The Work Song- Teh Cinderella Meeses
I honestly don't know any others that haven't been crossed out...
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