[fic] A sore loser seeks revenge (PG-13) Siwan/Luhan

Nov 23, 2012 02:52

Title: A sore loser seeks revenge
Pairing: Siwan/Luhan (SiHan/LuWan?)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Crack, Romance
Disclaimer: I only own the plot in this fanfic, the boys belong to themselves.
A/N: My first EXO fic, though it only has one member in it. Also my first crossover.

Summary: Luhan does not like to lose. Siwan gets to finds out just how much.

“Woah!” An array of impressed and shocked exclamations filled the Star King studio as the teenager on stage solved five rubik's cubes in less than a minute.

“Unbelievable!” Leeteuk called out, using Kang Hodong's famous expression to voice his amazement. “And that was Kwon Jihoon, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you so much for showing us your talent,” he continued and applauded along with the audience as the boy walked off the stage.

There was however one man in the studio who wasn't applauding quite as enthusiastically as everyone else. A man who wasn't very impressed by what he had just seen because he considered himself to be almost as good. He might not be able to solve five cubes in under a minute but that was just because he was too busy with work, if he had more time to practice he could certainly do it. The young man who had such high thoughts of himself had a very cute and innocent appearance, quite the contrast to his arrogant personality, and was none other than the EXO member Luhan.

“Now, is there anyone here who is good at this?” Leeteuk asked the celebrity guests, holding a cube in his hand. Luhan slowly raised his hand, not wanting to seem too eager to show his skills. Through the corner of his eye he noticed that someone else also put his hand up and when he turned his head he saw that it was Siwan from ZE:A.

“Well, let's have a battle between you two then.” Leeteuk took out another cube and gestured for the two men to get up on stage.

“Ah, it's been a while since I last did this, I don't know if I'll do so well,” Siwan said while getting up from his seat, looking a bit worried.

“Hah, this'll be easy,” Luhan thought to himself, resenting the older man's lack of confidence, and followed him up on stage.

The cubes were put on a table and the two men positioned themselves on opposite sides, facing each other. They locked eyes for a moment and when Siwan finally looked away shyly a confident grin spread over Luhan's face. Leeteuk walked behind the table and placed himself between the two contestants, holding a stopwatch in his hand.

“Ready... start!” he called out and pressed the start button on the stopwatch. The two men immediately picked up their respective cubes and started to turn the layers.

With all of his attention on the cube in his hands Luhan worked his fingers as fast as he could to match up the colors on all the sides. The muscles in his hands and lower arms burned, his breathing sped up from the excitement and he could hear his own heartbeat inside his head as the adrenalin rushed through his body. Unknowingly his mouth fell open and he stuck his tongue out a little, completely focused on the task at hand.

“Siwan wins!” Leeteuk suddenly exclaimed, startling Luhan who hadn't noticed that the other man was already done. He snapped his head up and the first thing his eyes landed on was the solved cube lying on the table. Then his gaze traveled upwards until it reached the pleased smile on Siwan's face and that's when he finally realized what had happened.

“I lost!” he thought in shock. “How is that possible? How could I lose? And how could he solve it so fast, we had barely started!” Luhan's head was full of questions, confusion and doubt and he could barely accept reality. But in an attempt to keep at least some of his pride he put down his unmatched cube and feigned an impressed expression as he pretended to congratulate the other man for his victory. Siwan was after all a hyung and a sunbae and Luhan didn't want to appear rude on TV so he tried his best to appear normal, but inside he was both embarrassed and angry.

* * *
After the show had ended Luhan was walking through the SBS building, mind still occupied with what happened earlier. When he turned around a corner he found Siwan alone in the corridor, walking in his direction. Seeing the person who caused him so much embarrassment just a while ago stirred up Luhan's emotions again so he approached the older man, grabbed his arm and pulled him into an empty dressing room.

“Luhan-ssi, what are you doing?” Siwan asked surprised. Even though he was two years older and a sunbae he still addressed Luhan formally since they had only met a few times before.

Luhan looked into Siwan's eyes and took a few steps towards him until he was just a feet away, but still didn't speak. Uncomfortable to have the younger man so close and also a bit scared by his fierce gaze Siwan tried to back away but he soon found himself with his back against the wall, unable to escape any further. A satisfied smirk played on Luhan's lips as he leaned closer.

”Cube solving is my talent,” he whispered into Siwan's ear, his breath ghosting over the latter's neck. ”Who said you could do it better than me?” Stunned by the sudden odd behavior Siwan just remained still, not sure of what to do. “I think I'm gonna have to punish you for what you did to me,” Luhan finished and landed a kiss on his hyung's neck.

“Luhan-ah!” Siwan gasped in surprise, losing the honorifics and his composure at the same time as his mind stopped functioning properly. Even though a small part of him told him that this whole situation was weird and that he should run away he could only stand still as the younger man started to unbutton his shirt.

Luhan ran his hand over Siwan's exposed chest while continuing to tease his sensetive neck with his tongue. He gradually let his mouth travel downwards until he finally planted a light kiss on one of Siwan's nipples, drawing another gasp from the latter. Then Luhan suddently stopped what he was doing and backed away.

”You better not win over me again,” he said and just walked away, leaving Siwan alone in the room, dumbstruck and flustered with his shirt half open.

At first Siwan just stayed frozen against the wall while his brain tried to process what had just happened. After a while he finally started to get his mind back together and realized that he should hurry back to the other members before they started wondering where he was. Luckily he had enough sense to button up his shirt before walking out of the room.

* * *
“Where have you been?” Kwanghee asked as soon as Siwan entered their dressing room

“So much for getting back unnoticed,” Siwan sighed to himself. “Luhan just had something to talk to me about, that's all,” he said out loud, which was at least partly true.

“I didn't know you guys were close.”

“We're not. Not yet anyway.” There was a moment of silence. “You know what?” he then spoke again.


“I need to improve my cube solving skills.”

“But you're already good!”

“No, not good enough,” Siwan said with a slight smirk on his face.

A/N 2: This started out as just a short crack fic that was going to end simply with Siwan winning, but then I got the idea of having Luhan take revenge in a very sexually suggestive way and I just had to continue writing. I've totally read too much smut... :P

For the ones of you who are as dirty-minded as me and were hoping for some more action I can tell you a sequel is already on it's way, which will have smut in it. I came to like this story so much while writing the first part that I just couldn't end it like this, so if you want to read more just keep an eye out for the second part.

pairing: siwan/luhan, fandom: ze:a, #fanfiction, genre: crack, fandom: exo, genre: romance, length: chaptered, rating: pg-13

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