Title: Check Authors: Mink Rating: PG - Gen Spoilers: General (for all aired episodes) Disclaimers: DA & characters are owned by their various creators. Summary: An evening in at the Cale residence.
Love how you showed how strange and alien the Xs can be, how differently they think, with brains as well-trained and naturally superior as their bodies. And yet there's still a vulnerability about them, a "child lost in the world" quality.
I like this a lot. It's lovely to see a quiet, almost domestic moment in their lives, and I like that Max and Alec seem to take refuge in Logan's apartment.
Comments 23
Love how you showed how strange and alien the Xs can be, how differently they think, with brains as well-trained and naturally superior as their bodies. And yet there's still a vulnerability about them, a "child lost in the world" quality.
Beautifully subtle and poetic little fic.
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