Star Social Part Two

Nov 16, 2006 00:10

Who: A whole ton of people! Please do not make me list them out as my brain will not do that. :)
Where: Mountain Clearing
When: 19:07 on day 14, month 10, turn 2 of the 7th Pass.
What: High Reaches has an event! A star social and raffle. Many people come. Many people do things. It is a grand old time.

"True, but if you didn't, then you know who did and it works its way down the chain from there." Lou surmises contemplatively. The food he points to is what she goes for next; making a show of chewing everything slowly with a few winces thrown in here and there. After a tight swallow, "It's not bad."

J'sek gives Syn a brief nod and smile to her reply, seeming quite pleased now that he's one dance secured. No matter that he can't dance himself. He quietly follows K'rom through the crowd as they both slowly make their way over towards the food tables. Once there, he seems to take his time on choosing, eventually settling on some roast wherry and a little sample of various other foods available. "I'd say it's a little more then 'big' now. Not used to such large crowds, you know." he replies while balancing his plate in one hand in order to reach for a mug of the non-alcoholic cider. Giving a brief glance around, he smirks a little. "Maybe we should go sit with Iusath and Areteth? Unless you wanted to actually sit elsewhere." Another brief, searching, glance is given to the large crowd before he looks back to K'rom.

"Oh, I am sure you aren't wrong! Greens, they are clever, got to keep an eye on them." Dara says with a laugh, as she moves with the music and her companion. "And.. For a while, I needed space from everyone, but that is past and now I need my friends. And you are my friend, correct?" A more direct look to her. "And it is good that you meet more people, I worried about you, that you would hide back inside yourself. But at least your lovely voice remains, and it is beautiful and clear. So I am reassured!"

"'Scuse me. You dropped this." Issa whirls as a scrawny stable boy with a voice so much deeper than his freckled face would suggest is kind enough to return to her the glove that's fallen out of her pocket. "Thank you," Issa replies, taking the glove and offering a warm smile for him as he continues along past her on his own business. The offending glove is brushed off on her pants with a quick slapping motion, then repocketed along with her hand. Lifting her eyes, the greenrider catches sight of a particular group of Caucus students down the line in front of her now, Hold, Craft and Weyr equally represented. It's only after a sip of her wine that she moves from her spot, walking counter to the flow of the food line toward them. "There you are," she says smilingly as she approaches, a nodding glance for the returning Roa and Neiran both, but a more lingering gaze for Reyce. "Been looking for you." After a moment, perhaps too long, she sidles up to him, unpocketing her hand to lay it tentatively at his elbow as she holds her wine separate and leans up for a small kiss.

K'rom nods ans smiles at J'sek, chuckling softly as he grabs a mug of spiked cider as well and starts to head back to the dragons for a little bit, glancing at Syn and Dara as he makes sure J'sek is following, "Well, sure, if you want, but we do need to be social as well, you know! Maybe dance and stuff as well." He grins at the other Weyrling then and giggles.

Reyce seems dourly unsurprised by the healer's long-winded comparison of the health benefits of wherry and pork; he listens to it in steady silence, his only response - if it could be termed so - to dig at his own selection of wherry (he was more proactive in fetching it) with the side of his fork, bludgeoning off a piece of it which he eats as the healer's words roll past. He follows Roa's theft of the plate for a short ways, then, as she reappears with the retrived wherry, clarifies his own earlier statement: "You want something, just take it." His eyebrows raise dully for the weyrwoman's teasing words; he's not likely to offer a response, but if he had been it's certainly cut short by Issa's arrival. "Hey," he answers her greeting - if Issa's pacing is a bit slow, his is a bit fast - then leans down to meet the kiss. His elbow remains hers for the touching, but his own hands are busy with silverware and plate.

"Not bad?" Kale says, laughing. "What do you do around the weyr to critique something such?" He wonders, chuckling slightly as he watches her.

Slowly there's a sense of quiet that spreads from that raffle table throughout the crowd. It seems it is time for numbers to be drawn. Prizes to be awarded.

B'ren pauses in his wanderings to glance towards the raffle table. Oooh. He entered this. He swaggers over in that direction, grabbing himself a bubbly pie and a glass of wine as he goes.

"I'm secretly a con-o-sew-er of fine Weyr food," Lou says, quite seriously, taking great pains to emphasize a word she mostly butchers in the process. "But during the day I mostly deliver messages." She tucks an elbow against her messenger pack.

And lo, Neiran finds himself looking down at emptiness, a space previously occupied by his plate, the air still framed by his hands as if he were yet holding it. He lifts his chin and shares a sedate blink with Reyce. He's more perplexed than startled at the sudden vanishing of his plate, and by the time he's quizzically about to lower his arms to his sides again, the goldrider presents it to him once more. The gesture is corrected, and he takes possession of his plate once more. "I am indebted, Roa," Brief eye contact is made, showing gratitude that's perhaps too grave for the situation, almost comically so, before he looks at Reyce again. "It has not been my habit to cut in line." He plays by the neat and tidy rules of decorum, that unfortunately few weyrfolk adhere to during mealtimes. As soon as Reyce is indulging in kissy greetings with Isssa, his leaden gaze swings 'round to Roa once more. "And yourself, weyrwoman? What is your preferred event of the evening?"

Syn lets out a soft oh and tilts her head some. "I thought she was.. She's telling me to remember the strangest things for her..." She murmurs softly, giving a small shrug. "I knew you did.. I guess I did too.. I am, and, you're still my friend." There's a pause and the weyrling turns a darker shade of red. "Dara.. That's not true, about my voice..." She trails off some and then glances at the raffle table. "Let's go look at the raffle table? Let's try to win something." She chimes with a soft giggle.

"It's..." Kale just chuckles at the young womans' butchering of the word. "Nevermind, well, if you are then perhaps you should watch me cook and give critiques."

Essdara smiles, "It is, Synnie, when you think about what your voice was like when we met. But I still liked it." The song, and thus dance, over she is happy to follow Syn towards the raffle table, smiling as they walk. "I'm still very proud of you, you know. And I always said you would make a good greenrider... Still doubt me? What does she want you to remember?"

"Let us move, then," murmurs G'thon, lowly enough and with a bend of his head, meant for Miniyal's ears only. "You can have all of my coat if you need it." As though she had not dressed warmly enough. He tucks his arm a little closer around her and aims to direct her away from the fire into the darkness, where 'stargazing' will be better received - only to find himself confronted by Hallara. "Oh, s...Ga...G... sir," says the somewhat elderly (even more than G'thon!) Caucus counselor. "I'm so glad I found you. I need to sneak a student into your class and... " And the rest, of course, is history: Gans' bemused apologies to Miniyal, the belated introductions, the awkward moment, the request of a dance 'later,' the promise of stargazing yet to be done. Then G'thon goes off with Hallara, perhaps a bit reluctant, to discuss missed assignments.

J'sek glances over to those dancing himself, before bringing his attention back to K'rom. The weyrling makes some unheard, muttered remark about 'being social' and shakes his head a bit, his smile slightly crooked. "Of course, we'll be social. I just meant so that we could eat and not get bumped into." As they begin to approach their dragons, who are settled safely enough away from the main event, J'sek slows to a stop, noticing a quiet pause nearer to one table. "The raffle?" he says much like a thought spoken outloud. But he glances towards K'rom now, motioning with his head vaguely towards the table in question. "Maybe we should stick around a little longer?" he asks.

Oh. Abandoned. Well, yes. This is not what the plan was it would seem. Still, Miniyal keeps her chin up and smiles politely through introductions and releases G'thon to his work with a kiss that promises more than all of his words to her. Only when she's done does she let him go away with the old woman and then grab up the wine, forgotten until now, near her and wander off to lurk in the shadows between the light of the fire and the darkness of the rest of the meadow. Story of her life.

Syn shakes her head a bit and thinks for a moment. "I didn't talk much.." She says, letting out a soft laugh and she peeks at the older girl. "Thank you Dara.. I remember you did. Never thought I would. And, no, I don't doubt you anymore." She pauses and laughs softly. "Silly things... Like.. Something about fat wherries." The greenrider giggles and moves over towards the raffle table in a quicker pace now.

K'rom nods and smiles at J'sek then and blinks. A pause and his stopped. Well, he looks to see what's up. Yes, the raffle. He grins and nods again, "Yes, that would be fun to see!" He pauses next to J'sek and looks over to the raffle table, edging towards it a little.

The little weyrwoman raises a hand to greet Issa as she appears and has her moment with Reyce. And then she looks back over towards Neiran. "Stargazing," she says. "I read some about it last turn, but I haven't had the chance to do much with it. So. A good opportunity. That and people gazing, I suppose. The pulse of the weyr. All that." Roa's shoudlers lift and fall, and then her head turns as a general hush begins. Huh. Raffle.

The woman at the raffle table has had her share of wine. So she is cheerful and laughing, waving to everyone as they approach. "Everyone pay attention. You hear? I'll call out a number and if you have it then you just come right up and collect your prize. And if you don't win? Well, better luck next time!" Her hand reaches into the box to pull out a number.

"It's what?" Lou lingers for all of two seconds, then continues putting away her food. For being so small, she can certainly eat, "As much as I'd love to help you fine tune your cooking skills... if I'm not around to deliver messages and whatnot," So technical, this Lou, "They won't get delivered and that'd probably be grounds for me getting into trouble."

After a few minutes, and once the line at the buffet clears out a bit, Vanya rises, chooses a plate and makes a selection of food. A glass of mulled wine is plucked from another table and then the woman heads back to her chosen table to sit by and watch. Just watch. At least for the moment. She has a clear view of the dancing, and most of the milling crowd, and seems content enough to be by herself. Not that she'll turn anyone away from the table, but at the moment, she sits alone.

"75, then! Number 75 come get your prize!" Tipsy assistant headwoman Parsi calls out.

Essdara grins as she looks over the table with Syn. "Well, I am happy she chose you, very much. Even if I don't see you lot as much as I should. It's nice to see you out, and smiling, that makes my evening a whole lot better." She peeks over at Syn, "So, R'zel, he's coming to sweep yuo out onto the dance floor? He seems nice."

"Your choice. I'm sure as exciting as watching me cook is, that you should go along and deliver your messages." Kale offers, chuckling as he reaches out and finishes eating his food off his own plate.

Miniyal is content, well, not content maybe, but she lurks. Alone with her wine as she watches everyone else. There's no move made to try to approach anyone. Neither does she drift to the raffle where so many others are headed. All sad and alone.

B'ren claps politely for the raffle winner, hedging along on the edge of the crowd with a glass of wine in his hand.

K'rom looks around for a moment and doesn't see anyone move and then finally reaches in and looks at his own number, blinking in suprise. He grins and sits his plate dows, "Watch this J'sek?" and moves towards the raffle table, "75? I'm here!" Beam.

Syn giggles, nodding her head. "I am happy she did as well. I think I will see you more eventually, once they get bigger." She notes with a nod. There's a grin and she's watching the table. "Yeah.. He is. Dared me to ask someone so I asked him." She notes with a chuckle before she's looking at K'rom and clapping her hands. "Look, K'rom won something." She murmurs.

Lou, with an empty plate, eases out of her seat upon the ground, "You're worse then the guy who tells me where to go and who to give things to," she informs him with a half smile, "Lucky for you, you're a good cook." She moves back into the crowd, likely seeking out the food table for yet more food.

Parsi beams at K'rom. "Congratuations, young man! 75 then. Just give me your ticket." She'll hold out her hand for the ticket to compare it to her half before she dips a hand into the box and comes up with the raffle prize. "Here you go!"

A tooled leather belt, journeyman stamped on the inside, long enough to be worn on a larger waist or cinched or wrapped more than once around a smaller one. A geometric pattern, understated but obvious, has been set into the dark grey leather.

Neiran manages to have procured a fork somewhere along the line, and he's using it now to get some mashed yams into his mouth as demurely as possible. After perhaps two bites, he picks up the thread of conversation he dropped with Roa. "I have not had the opportunity to read any astronomical literature recently." Presumably it's a field of interest nonetheless. "I have been occupied primarily with the dragonhealing text. I have recently shared its contents with a colleague of mine and a bronzerider who has interest in the field. It is my hope that it will benefit from diverse pens and eyes. I have not forgotten your assistance in its initial undertaking, of course," he assures her quietly, eyes falling down to the assortment of vegetables on his plate, regarding them mutely as the raffle goes on.

Essdara looks over where directed. "Oh, well done K'rom! Very nice!" She claps for him for a moment, then grins down to Syn. "And good call, on your part. That's the best way to handle a dare like that, I think. And he does seem nice." A peer around, briefly, but she doesn't find what she is looking for so turns back to Syn. "And training? How are you finding it? They day I spent with you lot was very eye-opening."

Ellaia walks down to the clearing, clutching the maroon shawl around her shoulders, making sure that she doesn't stumble in the dark dress she wears. She makes her way through the crowd, nodding politely to those she doesn't know, offering a wave to Syn and Vanya before she takes a plate to look at the food being offered

J'sek edges his way through the crowd a little, pausing now and then to make sure K'rom can follow. Eventually he makes it somewhat closer to the raffle table, only to give K'rom a bit of a puzzled glance at his question. "Watch what? Did you--" But the question is only half asked before the first number is called and said question is answered. "--never mind." he finishes, simply watching as K'rom wanders away and towards the table, unable to clap due to his hands being full with his dinner plate and a mug of cider, which is finally sipped at.

B'ren spots Ellaia and beams, striding over to her, "You made it!" he says with a warm smile, "I'm glad to see you here, did you walk the whole way?" He claps again for K'rom, "Nice belt," he murmurs aside to Ellaia, "Very nice."

K'rom beams as he hands her the ticket and claims his prize and blinks in suprise, looking very happy. Tooled Leather belt, and I nice one! "Thank you!" he beams and starts heading back towards J'sek and some of the others, showing off the belt as he goes.

Parsi claps for K'rom and then reaches for another number in the box. "Looks like number 102! 102 you got a prize. Come on up and collect it then!"

"I was glad to have helped. I've acrued more notes since then, if you'd like them. I'm afraid I haven't the time for a sit down or a chat about them just now, but if you wish to read over them..." Roa quiets as K'rom heads up to claim his prize and another name is called out. "Which colleague?" she asks idly. And then, brows drawing low, "Bronzerider?" A moment of consideration before she ventures, "R'zel?"

The girl with the plate, a.k.a. Lou is, apparently number 102, or so she's told as she moves toward the table to collect whatever prize it is she's been awarded. Shy of the spotlight, she's soon to disappear back into the crowd.

Ellaia smiles warmly at B'ren, "Well hello there. Yes I did walk all the way. It was rather....well refreshing." She looks over at the prize winner and smiles at K'rom. "So have I missed much?"

Parsi enjoys this clearly and the mug of mulled wine she keeps close at hand helps her. She waits for the next winner and once Aloureia has come up and handed over her ticket for checking she gets her prize.

Two bars of lye soap have been wrapped in pale blue cloth. Tied closed with black ribbons they each bear a different scent. The first bears a citrus scent and the second rose.

But though Reyce's elbow remains hers, Issa's hand falls away as soon as she lowers from that quick kiss, her expression disappearing behind a sip from her wine. Her attention is lent to the raffle table briefly before she turns back to their little group. "Mmm. Close," she comments as 75 is announced and the prize received. "What're the odds of them calling my number if it's two away from that one?" she asks with a lightly teasing tone, tilting her face up to Reyce. But it seems the actual calculation isn't quite important enough to keep her attention, for she turns to Roa and Neiran, asking conversationally, "Did you two put in a ticket?" without waiting to gauge their intentness on their own conversation.

B'ren chuckles, "Depends. Have you ever want to see Miniyal dance?" He grins, "She's not bad, despite what she says. Want me to get you something to drink?" He then notices the glass of wine in his hand and looks surprised, "" he offers. It's still half full.

Syn giggles a bit, "Thank you, Dara. He is. Surath says she enjoys questioning and talking with his Pangioth." She notes, grinning a bit. "Oh, I'm enjoying it... It's different. More interesting than running." She notes with a small shrug then looks about for the next winner. She gives a clap of her hands for Lou and waits, glancing at Dara. "Oh, you did..?"

Parsi giggles at something her male helper says and puts her hand back into the box for a new number. "5. Number 5. Come get your prize!"

Reyce seems content to quiet when the expectant hush of the raffle falls over the crowd. "Same as they were before they called that one," he answers Issa's query, disinterested though she may be in it. He trails his gaze back to weyrwoman and healer when she drags the conversation that way, but as he's trying to get through his food while it's still warm, he focuses on eating rather than speaking.

J'sek shakes his head a little as K'rom returns, still smiling even if it's lightly, "Nice prize there, K'rom. Didn't even know you had entered." he says when the other weyrling is within distance to hear him. Hands still full, he's unable to clap for the next winner although he does raise his half empty mug up a little. Eventually the rest of the cider is finished off and the mug is place elsewhere and at least one of his hands are now free.

Essdara nods. "Didn't notice me there?" She teases. "I was the one without the dragon. But... I've been spending a lot of time with the Weyrlingmaster the past few months, and he has a lot to teach me. It's always very interesting I enjoy it a lot. Still, it's a rare treat but one I look forward too." She shrugs and grins. "He works you guys hard."

"I would be very appreciative if you would allow me to view them. I believe the simplest and most effective manner of delivery would be for you to have them sent to my space in the infirmary." Neiran's mouth is open to say more, but Issa's question comes right on the heels of that first finished sentence. Closing his mouth slowly, he looks at the woman not overlong, and inclines his head a margin. "An apprentice procured a ticket for me." Against his desire to participate, if one's to judge by the slight purse of his lips. That said, he nods at Roa, utterly patient with the changing tides of conversation even as his food cools on his plate. "Yes, R'zel. My colleague is the Journeyman Vanya."

Ellaia chuckles at the greenrider, looking at the glass of wine in his hand, "If I take your wine then what will you drink?" She takes it from him and takes a small sip from it before handing it back to him. "Wine would be nice thank you very much sir." She looks around some more, "Miniyal dancing? I've never seen her dance. She pretty good?"

Syn looks about for a moment before peeking at her own number and letting out an oh! "That one's mine." She gives Dara a quick glance. "Oh, I noticed you.. Just was questioning how it opened your eyes..." She notes, "I'll be back in just a moment." She chimes and moves over to gather her prize.

Miniyal finds her wine empty and so she must skirt the crowd and head back to the table where she can get what she wishes. Finding the cider she gets a fresh mug and then ignoring even the desserts goes back into hiding. She may as well not even be here.

Parsi does her thing. Ticket is claimed and checked. Once she is sure it is the right number she hands to Syn her prize.

This small bottle of dark glass is stamped and labeled as being port. The vintage is decent, is not remarkable, and the bottle will be good for reusing once the wine is gone.

K'rom beams and giggles a little at J'sek, showing off the belt as he reclaims his plate and mug, nibbling at the wherry and bread. "It's a nice belt, don't ya think?"

Essdara grins to Syn as she returns. "Well done, Synnie! That will be somethign for yuo to enjoy when you graduate!" A clap for her friend as she awaits her return. Once she has come back, Dara offers a grin. "I thought I was fit, that I keep myself in shape, but that... it was beyond anything I am used to."

Syn takes the wine with a blush and gives a soft thanks before moving back to Essdara. "I think I'll safe it for then..." She says softly, blushing more. "Oh.. I don't think it's that bad." She offers, glancing at the wine and then at Dara. "Interesting prize... I think.." The weyrling laughs a bit and grins at Dara. "I think you're in shape at how you want to be?" She offers with a slight tilt of her head.

Parsi finishes her mug with a satisfied smack of her lips and then her hand is plunged into the tickets once more. "Looks like. . .number 86. Number 86 you're a winner. You come on up and get your prize now!"

B'ren shakes his head, "I gave up wine, remember? I'll get drunk on the night air," he says with a wink, smiling at her then. His expression softens briefly and he seems about to say more when his number is called. "Is that 86? Shells, that's me!" he says with a grin, striding up to claim his prize.

J'sek takes a longer, better, look now at the belt that K'rom has won, nodding his head a little. "Definately. You should show it to Akos, next time you see him. Speaking of which...have you seen him? Figured he'd be out in a crowd like this." he says between bites of food. When it's Syn turn to receive her prize, J'sek only raises one brow slightly. "Eh, looks like Syn's won too." And when the prize is shown, he actually chuckles. "Wine!" he says, managing a bit of an awkward clap before going back to his food.

"Oh," murmurs Roa. "Vanya." But then she looks over at Issa, her hands digging into her pockets. "One," she admits. "Just one. I like games of chance." Her smile is small and directed specifically at the greenrider.

Again she will take the ticket, winking at B'ren. Once she's checked Parsi hands over the prize to the greenrider.

A small phial, with a red bow tied around it, contains a pale yellow liquid. When the stopper is removed the bottle reveals a smoky herbal scent. Perfume, made from plants and flowers gathered at Ista.

Ellaia chuckles and takes the glass of wine back, nodding in understanding. "Well then I'll drink some for you and we'll get you some water." She looks at his ticket and grins, "Good for you! Go get your prize B'ren." She takes another sip of the red and stands there to see if she recognizes any other people.

B'ren accepts the...perfume? with a bemused smile, "Thanks, love," he replies to Parsi, wandering back to Ellaia. Unstopping the top he holds it towards her, "Do you like this? What do you think, is it me?" His eyes glint with laughter. "It's from Ista at least."

Once B'ren has his gift then Parsi will call out another number, wiggling fingers in the numbers first. "33. Number 33. Come on now! Don't be shy!"

A shrug from Dara to Syn, smiling. "I could be better. I will be. I haven't spent weeks sacking firestone and such like you though, so it makes sense. I never really got back to the fitness I had before I hurt my foot, either. With all the stress and strain, I just couldn't find the time." She looks to the port, and grins. "Use it as a present, it will make you a friend."

K'rom giggles softly as he shakes his head. "No, I haven't seen Akos. Sort of suprising since he's a social person and all. I wonder where he's at." He grins as Syn wins the wine and other win as well, even smiling broader as B'ren wins perfume. "Did you get some of the wherry?" He sips on the cider and eats a little more.

Blink. Blink. Roa lifts one hand from her pocket, holding up her ticket to confirm what she's fairly sure she already knows. "Huh," she muses quietly. "That's me." And the little weyrwoman once more gets to display her crowd-ducking skills as she moves from the food table up towards the raffle area to claim whatever it is that number 33 has won.

Ellaia arches a brow, grinning when the prize is announced, waiting for the man to step back over to her. She smells the perfume, nodding her head, "Well Miyamurath might like it on you?" Another sip is taken from the glass, holding it in her fingers and re-adjusts her shawl around her shoulders. Finally she calls out to Vanya, offering her a wave when she is close enough to not have to yell across the group, "Vanya, how are you?"

It would appear that High Reaches' newest weyrwoman has won herself. . .a comb. Parsi hands it over with a sparkling smile.

Skilled hands have carved this comb from a reddish colored wood. On both sides of the comb a creeping vine design has been carved with care.

Neiran's dark eyes linger on the goldrider's face after the woman simply echoes his colleague's name in a murmur. Hesitancy is written in his posture, thick in the air around him for a few moments; but then it passes with him simply pressing his lips together, as Roa goes to claim her prize, his decision to speak or not made for him by that fortuitous draw. The Journeyman returns his attention to his food so he might successfully digest more than two bites of it before it gets entirely cold, playing an apparently contented mute third wheel to Reyce and Issa.

Hearing her name called, Vanya looks up, turning her attention from the raffle to Ellaia. A smile is offered, and a cheery wave. "I'm fine, Ellaia," she calls back, chuckling. "Cold, but fine. And yourself?" She glances at B'ren and lifts her glass of mulled wine in salute to the rider. "Enjoy yourselves!" she adds, taking a drink of the warm wine.

B'ren wrinkles his nose, "I don't know, it's too...feminine." He holds it out to Ellaia with a bit of a blush, "Would you like it? I think it'd smell lovely on you." He then nods to Vanya also with a smile, cradling the phial in a soft grip.

Ellaia cants her head a bit, brown eyes dancing lightly as she nods her head, "Why thank you B'ren. That's very nice of you." She accepts the phial, finger brushing against his, unstopping the cork to dab a bit on her. "What do you think? Smell good on me?" She looks back over to Vanya, "I'm well thank you. Over that cold I got from swimming a few sevenday ago. I should have taken your advice and not the dare by this guy here."

Syn smiles, "I think you can, if you want to, that is." She grins and nods, "You can get back into it.." Then she glances back at the bottle in her hands then shrugs. "Wouldn't know who to give it to. Maybe waiting for graduation would be good."

Issa's own small smile tips askew at Roa's comment, twisting up with amusement as she replies, "So do I," shifting herself subtly closer to Reyce, though his enlightening statistical analysis has been glossed over. And then, Roa wins. With a little laugh, her head sinks to rest against Reyce's arm, heedless of that plate he holds. At her side, her left wrist shakes with a faint jingle. "I think this good luck charm of yours is missing its mark," she remarks with a mock pout in her tone before she lets out another chuckle.

"Wait and see." Dara agrees with Syn. "It's the best you can do, really. Someday, an oppertunity will be there." She stretches. "And I do want to, and he'll help me." She glances at the raffle table. "Wonder what else they have?"

Vanya chuckles. "See? Listen to a healer," she calls out to Ellaia, then turns her attention back to the raffle, eyes twinkling with mirth. She briefly scans the crowd, gaze lingering here and there before it swings back to Parsi.

B'ren chuckles, "You got sick too, huh?" he asks with a grin, "Yes, Vanya was right. We were silly not to listen to her advice." He smiles at the healer, "and thanks you to also I went to the Infirmary and am fully healed." At Ellaia's question he bends forward to take a sniff, "That smells beautiful," he murmurs, giving her a warm smile, "Much better on you than on me."

Reyce is silent for a bit, plowing contentedly through his food. With Issa on his arm, sawing viciously away at the meat with his blunted fork edge is not really an option, so he simply folds the meat over a few times, making it manageable, and bites out of it whole. The food is still in his mouth when he murmurs, "Do you think that might be because you picked the number seventy-seven?" His chewing resumes when he's done speaking, and his attention moves down to her face. A brow raises.

J'sek shrugs his shoulders a little. "Figured you'd know. I'm sure he's somewhere, probably just can't see him." he says, his attention half on the next set of winners in the raffle. Again, an attempt at clapping is made, but his main focus is on his meal. Glancing briefly to K'rom, he smirks a little. "I think so? Hmm...oh wait, I did. What you manage to grab?" he asks.

Roa wends her way bak to the little group of people she's chosen to keep company with tonight, her new comb held high is a sort of vistory flourish. She's smirking before she gently tucks the item away in her pocket. She smirks as she hears Issa's words, settling again in a spot near Neiran. "Good luck charm?"

Parsi snatches a number up. "Looks like. . .what's this. Aha! 29. That's it. 29 right here. Come on up!"

Syn nods her head, laughing softly. "I guess so. Maybe it'll work into a wonderful gift for /someone/." There's a shrug of her shoulders before she nods and gives a grin. "I'm glad that you want to, Dara." A pause and she peeks about. "I do too.. Seems interesting.. Maybe we should eat after this?"

Ellaia reaches out to poke the greenrider, "That's why you don't dare a girl who used to live around water all her life dear B'ren." she winks at him before putting the phial in a hidden pouch in her dress. Her face turns a bit red at the compliment, "Why thank you." She watches Roa go up and get her prize, smiling at the Weyrwoman, "That's a nice comb you won there." she calls out, the woman probably not going to recognize her anyway, but does the same.

"If you like." Dara nods. "Though won't your bronzerider be here soon? I llike it, too, cause i get to see you guys. I haven't had a good conversation with Kianda in months, and it's been making me sad. I've had no luck at catching up to her."

K'rom shrugs at J'sek, "I can barely keep up with N'ka, much less anyone else." He smirks at J'sek, "Wherry, breadrolls, some of the tubers...." He giggles, "It is good food." He head more of the brearolls then and sips his cider.

J'sek blinks and suddenly his free hand is rummaging through his pockets, his coversation with K'rom abruptly forgotten. Again, he mutters something under his breath and finally manages to pull out a ticket. "Mind watching this?" he asks K'rom, hastily passing his half eaten plate to the other weyrling, smiling crookedly as he does so. "Almost forgot which number I had. Excuse me." And he begins to edge his way through the crowd and towards the table where Parsi is waiting.

Number 29 wins himself something that is not a comb. Parsi shows it off a bit so a few tipsy people can oohh and ahhh before she hands it off to J'sek. After checking his number, of course. Because she may be tipsy, but she's still following the rules. It only leaves her hands for his once the numbers match.

A simple flute, it has been carved expertly from a piece of light brown wood. It plays true and has a small star design carved on the underside near one end.


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