005 [video]

Oct 30, 2010 21:05

[Being told to stay inside the Pokémon Center by a determined Phoenix Wright means that Edgeworth is going to be sitting right by the window making sure the attorney doesn't get hurt ( Read more... )

!ic, c: brave, c: kristopher gavin, c: estelle, c: phoenix wright, c: misaki takahashi, c: roxas, c: kay faraday

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[video] usaginouke October 31 2010, 07:14:57 UTC
[Misaki is holed up in his room at the local Violet City inn, hiding from the danger that is outside. He's been keeping an eye on his Gear, though, to make sure everything on the outside world isn't coming to an end.]

Miles-kun! Are... are you okay? I don't think those are ghosts... if I remember my Pokémon games right, they're glitches. [But that just sounds so weird! It's just so impossible!]


[video] miniworth October 31 2010, 07:17:30 UTC
I'm-- I'm all right, Mr. Misaki. The Center is safe.

[But his forced smile is a dead giveaway that he's actually FREAKING OUT. He feels so worried about Phoenix, and so anxious about his Pokémon. Why won't they ANSWER HIM?]

How are you fairing?


[video] usaginouke October 31 2010, 07:41:53 UTC
[Misaki doesn't believe Miles is all that comfortable, and he's seriously contemplating leaving his own area of safety so he can be with the young boy in the Pokémon Center. But he's not going to enjoy walking over there...]

I'm alright, for now. I'm just staying in my room but... [He glances around.] I don't like the looks of this. It's kind of freaky.


[video] miniworth October 31 2010, 07:45:47 UTC
[Miles shifts in his seat, pulling himself away from the window when another Missingno. appears outside. He's staring at it apprehensively, and when he moves his hands come into view, clasped around his Pokéball tightly, but still shaking.]

I was told they're not dangerous, but he... Wright is playing the hero and has been fighting them for a while now. I'm worried about him.


[video] usaginouke October 31 2010, 08:01:36 UTC
[Misaki can practically hear the fear in Miles' voice as he speaks. He's not very good at hiding how much this is distressing him. And--that's about the time Misaki realizes it's probably even more terrifying for Miles, thinking he might lose a friend to these things so soon after he's lost his father.]

Miles-kun, would you like me to come over? [He's pretty scared himself, but he'll endure it if it means keeping Miles from having to deal with another traumatizing experience. He's just a kid!]


[video] miniworth October 31 2010, 08:07:05 UTC
[At the question, Miles looks away from the window completely and shakes his head.]

No, Mr. Misaki. It might be dangerous to be outside. I'll be all right, and I don't want you to get hurt if these static things really are dangerous. [A nervous smile. At least there aren't earthquakes and elevators involved in this.]


[video] usaginouke November 1 2010, 06:56:53 UTC
Y-yeah, I guess that's true. [Misaki really would rather not go outside.]

St-still, if you need me to come to the Center, I'll run over right away. I-I'm sure I could get past them since Sunkern and Flaffy are pretty strong.


[video] miniworth November 1 2010, 07:05:11 UTC
[There's a bit of a pause between Misaki's message and Miles' reply. When he does reply, though, his face is a bit pale, and he looks as if he'd recently broken out in coldsweat. His eyes flicker between the screen and the window for a few moments before he calms down enough.]

Thank you, Mr. Misaki, but I'll be all right.

[He'd just been talking to Dahlia Hawthorne, Phoenix's girlfriend from his college days that had just informed him that Phoenix Wright was once put on trial for a murder she witnessed -- and it's freaking him out a lot. He's fidgety and keeps glancing out the window at the lawyer outside, and every once in a while he flashes a look of terror that not even those "ghosts" were able to cause him.]


[video] usaginouke November 1 2010, 07:36:20 UTC
[Misaki doesn't like that pause. Not. One. Bit. Especially when Miles seems so much more agitated. Putting on his determined face, Misaki takes a deep breath and starts to head towards the door.]

I think I'm going to run over to the Pokémon Center anyway.

You stay put, okay, Miles-kun?


[video] miniworth November 1 2010, 07:39:56 UTC
But-- [He stops. He really didn't have anything to argue back with, and he just looks outside the window once more before sighing.]

Just please be careful.

[And in a much smaller voice, just barely audible and-- rather unexpected words, considering that he had seemed so... fond and trusting of Phoenix Wright earlier that day.]

Stay away from the lawyer in the blue suit, though.


[video, 1/2] usaginouke November 1 2010, 07:48:03 UTC
[Misaki marches grimly into the the strange world...]


[action, 2/2] usaginouke November 1 2010, 07:48:26 UTC
[And when he finally reaches the Pokemon Center a good twenty minutes later, he's absolutely freaked. He rushes through the sliding door and collapses in the safety of the main lobby. That... was SO NOT FUN!

After catches his breath, he looks up, glancing around.] Miles-kun? Are you okay?


[action] miniworth November 1 2010, 07:53:07 UTC
[Miles was waiting by the Center's doors to greet Misaki, and he looks alarmed by the rushed state the older boy is in! Phoenix is still fighting the Missingno, and Miles' eyes flicker towards him occasionally, though he mostly concentrates on helping Misaki.]

I'm all right-- but you look. You look really pale. [ D:!! ]


[action] usaginouke November 1 2010, 18:27:10 UTC
[Still looking a bit harried, Misaki reaches up and grasps the edge of Miles' jacket. He manages to give the boy a weak smile.]

Y-yeah, it was crazy out there. But I'm okay.

And... and now that I'm here, you don't have to be afraid or anything, alright?


[action] miniworth November 1 2010, 23:20:01 UTC
[He helps Misaki to a couch, frowning. But he can't deny how relieved he is to have someone here. Apollo was outside, fighting, and he wasn't feeling too comfortable in that huddle the others from the group had created in another corner of the lobby.

Besides, he wasn't so scared of those static monsters anymore, but Misaki didn't need to know.]

You could have been hurt out there, Mr. Misaki.

But... thank you.


[action] usaginouke November 2 2010, 22:21:11 UTC
Ah, thanks! [Misaki pretty much collapses all over the couch for a minute, then eventually straightens into a normal sitting position. He eyes the very robotic nurse with trepidation, then returns his weak smile to Miles.]

Oh, I have my Pokémon to protect me if I really needed them. I'm fine, really. Here. [He pats the couch.] Sit next to me for a while.


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